Selenite Crystal Bowls 

Selenite tower skyscrapers are a powerful cleansing tool for your home or office, and will continually purify and protect the energy of your environment. When you place 4 Selenite skyscrapers in each corner of a room, these crystals act as powerful protective shields, absorbing and dispelling all accumulated negative energies while creating a safe and harmonious space.

Each tower is cut with a point at the top, which helps to direct energy when used in crystal grids or meditation practices. Selenite is a powerful healing tool and is great for chakra work, reiki, or simply as a new edition to your crystal collection. You will receive 1 Selenite Iceberg Tower of your size choice (2 inch, 4 inch or 6 inch). Since selenite is a soft mineral with a hardness of 2, continuous exposure to moisture can cause its degradation. Therefore we recommend keeping it dry at all times. 

It is believed by energy healers that Selenite can help reverse the harmful effects of free radicals in the environment and has the ability to heal and regenerate on the cellular level. As this stone is associated with the skeletal system and the spine, Selenite skyscrapers are believed to help align the spinal column.

Selenite is often used to remove energy blocks or stagnant forces from the etheric body. Its high vibrations cleanse the aura and activate the higher chakras. It can also be a helpful tool for those who wish to strengthen their mental abilities.

Selenite opens the higher chakras, helps us to connect with our Higher Self, while bringing feelings of tranquility and peace. Selenite can be used to activate and clear the higher chakras, which is why our Selenite skyscrapers are excellent tools for many spiritual practices. Selenite can help you reconnect with your spirit guides and guardian angels, opening you to receive direction and protection from higher realms. 

It is one of the few crystals in the mineral kingdom that can be used to cleanse and recharge other stones, without needing charging itself, making it a must-have for crystal enthusiasts.  Selenite is an excellent tool for spiritual healing sessions, while also making a beautiful decorative piece that will bring the radiant beauty of the Moon to your home!

FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED: Purchase with confidence from a supplier you can trust! Our family has been in business since 1993, and nearly 30 years later we continue to proudly offer only the best in incense and other products.
๐Ÿงน CRYSTAL ENERGY CLEANSING: Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our Highest Self, our Spirit Guides, and lights up the mystical pathway between ourselves and the Divine. Selenite propels us forward, continually asking us to become the brilliant and vibrant person we are capable of becoming.

๐ŸŒŽ ETHICALLY SOURCED: Our Selenite is mined and polished Morocco using mining methods that leave the smallest footprint possible on Earth in the process. The mine is family-owned and working condition are very good for the miners and polishing staff involved in producing these powerful crystal wands.