the magical formula

A magical formula. Deeply moisturises the skin, helping to repair the skin's protective moisture barrier to prevent dryness from returning in the future. With its hydrating ingredients, this formula provides immediate relief from Eczema & itching and becomes rapidly absorbed, so skin feels soothed and softened, but not greasy. Apply this Eczema cream to the face, hands or anywhere on the body. Excellent remedy for Dermatitis. Don't play around with your skin and get something that works and something you can depend on. Also works on other skin conditions.

  • Reinforces the skin's natural defence system
  • Improves skin hydration
  • Soothes irritation
  • Lasts for months good value
  • Skin feels soft, moisturized and comfortable
  • Soothing relief for irritated, itchy & dry skin
  • Instantly begins to calm discomfort
  • Free of steroids and fragrances
  • Friendly to allergy-prone skin with no mineral oil, parabens , peanuts , petroleum, chemicals
  • Formulated for adults and children and for all skin types
  • Ideal for Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Eczema, redness and dry skin

100 ml. 


A friend recommended Recuperating Cream when I had some eczema on my eye lids about 13 years ago. It helped at the time, along with dietary changes. I continued to use the cream as an eye cream, and 13 years on I still love it. It is light, and perfect for around the eyes, and people now comment that for my age, my eyes are not very lined at all - and no bags! FIONA D

Suffered from dry skin and itching on back of both legs but daily use of the cream gives instant and lasting relief Robert F.

Brilliant, my doctor gave me a prescription for cream and it made my eczema ten times worse. used your cream as soon as it arrived and I noticed the di8fference straight away, no more itching and my patches of eczema have all but gone within a week of using it.
sian b.