Selenite Crystal Plates 

๐Ÿง™โ€โ™‚๏ธ SELENITE PLATES: Selenite is essential for cleansing our aura, as wands are a shape that directs energy flow. Especially if you are sensitive to other peopleโ€™s emotional energy, or the energy of a space, using selenite wands to cleanse your aura will remove that low vibration energy from you.

๐Ÿงน CRYSTAL ENERGY CLEANSING: Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our Highest Self, our Spirit Guides, and lights up the mystical pathway between ourselves and the Divine. Selenite propels us forward, continually asking us to become the brilliant and vibrant person we are capable of becoming.

๐ŸŒŽ ETHICALLY SOURCED: Our Selenite is mined and polished Morroco using mining methods that leave the smallest footprint possible on Earth in the process. The mine is family-owned and working condition are very good for the miners and polishing staff involved in producing these powerful crystal wands.

Dimensions: 4 inch Diameter  1/2 inch Height

Cleanse your selenite charging plate: Start by cleansing your selenite charging plate. You can do this by smudging it with sage or palo santo, leaving it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours, or burying it in the earth for a day.

Choose the crystals to charge: Choose the crystals that you want to charge and cleanse. You can use any crystal that you have, but it's recommended to use crystals that are safe to be in contact with selenite, such as clear quartz, amethyst, or rose quartz.

Place the crystals on the selenite charging plate: Once your selenite charging plate is cleansed, place your chosen crystals on top of it. You can leave the crystals on the plate for as long as you like, but it's recommended to leave them on the plate for at least a few hours.

Set your intention: While the crystals are on the selenite charging plate, set your intention for them. You can do this by visualizing the crystals being charged with positive energy or saying a positive affirmation.

Remove the crystals: Once you're done charging your crystals, remove them from the selenite charging plate. They are now cleansed and charged with positive energy.

Cleanse the selenite charging plate: After using the selenite charging plate, it's recommended to cleanse it again to remove any negative energy that may have been absorbed. You can do this by smudging it with sage or palo santo, leaving it in sunlight or moonlight, or burying it in the earth for a day.

These selenite plates are mined and polished Morocco using mining methods that leave the smallest footprint possible on Earth in the process. The mine is family-owned and working condition are very good for the miners and polishing staff involved in producing these powerful crystal charging stations.