Leave the beaten path behind and embrace the wild with the Kayo: a fearless machine that takes on any terrain, powers through every obstacle, and pushes you to new heights of adventure. With its rugged durability, powerful performance, and unbeatable technology, the Kayo off-road bike lets you explore uncharted territories, challenge your limits, and experience the rush of off-road riding like never before. So gear up, grab the handlebars, and get ready to take on the world with the ultimate off-road machine - the Kayo.

Product Description:

The KMB 60 is a great beginner bike. Powered by a tame 4-stroke engine that is fully automatic, makes it easy on the little tykes just getting started on their dirt bike journey. An electric starter makes bringing the little engine to life a breeze. Disc brakes, front and back, light weight and a seat height of just 22 inches makes maneuvering this little bike easy.

*Crate price and unassembled





     Dimensions and Capacities: