Rivana Essential Oil Lemongrass Lemongrass 100% pure 10ML

Packaging: 10 ml glass bottle.

Ingredients: limonene, camphene, myrcene, pinene, linalool, citral, citronelol.

Aroma: clean, fresh, fruity, bitter, pungent.

Volatility: High.

Main features: tonic, stimulating, purifying, refreshing, whitening, lowering blood pressure, stimulating circulation, disinfectant, neutralizing odors, strong cleaning effect.

Effects on the body: Restores aged skin, removes cellulite, moles, boils, warts, fungus, acne and oily skin, shrinks pores and whitens teeth and skin, reduces brittleness nails, gives the hair a shiny effect and revitalizes it. Reduces dilated veins and broken capillaries, for rheumatism and arthritis, regenerates the skin of the hands, cleans cuts and wounds. Stimulates circulation and helps the immune system, protects against: flu, colds, sore throat, sinusitis, asthma, low temperature and high blood pressure. Helps with general body fatigue, headaches and migraines. Helps against arthritis and rheumatism. Limits the spread of airborne infections to eliminate odors in the room.

Impact on the mind and spirit: Stimulates and awakens the tired and tired mind, promotes clearing of the mind and helps increase concentration. Alleviates the conditions of fear, sadness, despondency, sadness and mental load. Restores strength and vitality to the depleted mind, giving a boost of positive motivation.


Aromatic lamp: invigorating air, refreshing, purifying, -5.6 drops of lemon oil.

Aroma Pendant: deodorant, tonic, against headaches, high blood pressure, antiviral infections - 1.2 drops of lemon oil.

Gargle: colds, tonsillitis, 1-2 drops of lemon oil for 1 cup of warm water / emulsifier over-soda sugar, copper /.

Bath: tonic, against cellulite, mental fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, rheumatism: 6.8 drops of lemon oil.

Sauna: cleanser, antibacterial-10 drops of lemon oil in 500 ml of water.

Inhalation: - colds, general physical and mental exhaustion, headaches -3.4 drops of lemon oil are added to a 1 liter bowl of hot water and inhaled for 10 minutes

Massage: for cellulite, skin regeneration, mental fatigue, runny nose - 25 drops of lemon for 50 ml of base oil / almond, avocado, apricot, grapeseed /.

Gargle: in case of bleeding or gingivitis - 3 drops of lemon in 10 ml. some water.

Enrichment of shampoo and hair mask: to revitalize the hair giving it shine, add 10.15 drops of lemon oil to 100 ml of shampoo or mask.

Enrichment of face creams: for oily skin, acne, skin whitening - 10 drops of lemon oil in 25 ml. of cream.

Aroma spray: to deodorize, disinfect, eliminate odors - 15-20 drops of lemon oil in 250 ml. of water, shake the bottle and spray the room.

Contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to lemon.

Attention! Strongly focused! Keep tightly closed in a place without direct sunlight. Keep away from children!

Note: The information presented on the site is introductory. For treatment, see a doctor or aromatherapist!