Looking to shoot your SX-70 with 600 film but wishing for brighter photos? This half strength filter allows you to use 600 film in your SX-70 and get brighter shots compared a regular full-strength filter. While not a full-on replacement to using a flash bar, this will help you get more usable shots in less ideal conditions.

I have received some custom order asks for half strength ND filters to put on their 600 film to use in their SX-70 camera. I am putting this in the Store as a regular item!

I use high-quality Lee branded .3ND Neutral Density Filters. I personally have tested these filters in my SX-70 with 600 film to great results. 

The filter is very easy to install. All you need to do is place the filter on top of your film cartridge, tuck in two opposite sides, and tape down the remaining. It’s as simple as that! The filters are detachable and reusable. I include an instruction sheet with all orders.

Some filters may have light surface level marks – this is expected with Lee ND filters and does not impact the overall photo quality. 

I ship filters out in an envelope via USPS to save on shipping costs. USPS does not provide tracking numbers for letter envelope shipments.  If you buy more than one, use promo code BULKDISCOUNT for 20% your entire order! 

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.