Note that I have had to raise the price somewhat recently. Check here for more information about this and my projects in general:

A metal bracket for my Sound Blaster 2.0 replica.

This is a custom 3D printed metal bracket for my Sund Blaster 2.0 replica. They are rather expensive to make, so in order to be able to offer the card slightly cheaper, I opted to list this bracket separately. The cards always include a plastic bracket that works well enough for most people; still many have asked for a metal version, so here it is!

It only fits revision 3.0 of the replica! (Note that this has nothing to do with Sound Blaster version numbers!) The board itself can be found here:

Naturally, if you purchase a board and a bracket at the same time, I will ship them together and only one of the shipping fees will apply.

Thanks for looking!