Key Product Features and Benefits:

Healthy Energy, Healthy You*

A happy day is made possible by a healthy physical and mental state. A diet rich in good fat is the best energy source to maintain a healthy brain, physical performance, and overall wellness. In this fast-moving lifestyle, selectively taking such good fat is difficult, and so developing the habit of adding supplemental good fats such as medium-chain triglycerides along with your regular diet is considered to be the best way to reach your wellness goal.*


Transparency in Science

Mental & Physical Health*

goMCT® contains coconut oil (Cocos nucifera) with pure C8 and C10 Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that support the conversion to ketones, a clean alternative energy source for the brain and body that may help you stay active and focused.*

Healthy GUT-Brain Axis*

Research shows that GUT health is related to mental wellness, goMCT® powder contains prebiotics acacia fiber that supports balanced GUT microflora for digestive regularity and the healthy GUT-Brain axis.*

Balanced Body Weight*

MCTs may supports you to feel full for longer time and may help to overcome your cravings.* It may support transitioning your body into ketosis, a process of burning fat to maintain a healthy weight.*

Sports Endurance*

goMCT® gets metabolized easily to produce instant energy, which supports better athletic performance.*


Why Sandhu’s?

· Research-based Natural Composition.

· Sourced from Quality Supplier.

· Contains Organic MCT Oil Powder with Prebiotic Fiber.

· All-Natural and Unflavored.

· Goes Well with Coffee, Tea, Smoothies, Shakes & Cookies.

· Gluten, Soy, Dairy Free, and Third-Party Tested.

· Packed, Tested and Distributed according to current Good

Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).