The curved body of the bell represents Ananta. The clapper or tongue of the bell represents Saraswati, who is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge. The handle of the bell represents Prana Shakti ? vital power and is symbolically linked to Hanuman, Garuda, Nandi (bull) or Sudarshana Chakra.

The sound is soothing to the ears and calms down the mind and soul. Thus making us feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Thus, the sound of the bell beholds immense healing properties that helps one to zone out of the worldly chaos and get into the state of trance and be one with the Divine.

Benefits of Crystal Glass Hinduism Hand Bell ( Ghanti ) :  

  1. The sound of the 'Ghanti' removes the negative energy and collects the positivity, which helps in purifying the place.

  2. When the bell hits the clapper to produce sound energy, the bell moves, the clapper strikes the bell and some of the kinetic energy is transformed into sound. Sound is a form of energy produced by vibrations that travel through air and we are able to hear.

  3. Ringing the bell invokes the Gods and Goddesses. 

  4. According to some religious, during prayers in order to attract beneficent spirits and to frighten away evil ones, is used particularly during Brahmanic and Mahayana Buddhist ceremonies.