Dried Certified Organic Calendula Petals - Herb Tea - Officinalis Petals


 Homemade Skin Treatment

Ointment can be used to soothe sunburns, warts, bites, acne and ulcerations, in addition to healing wounds, dry skin and blisters.

2. Digestive-Soothing Tea

Tea can be made with marigold flowers to lower symptoms caused by inflammatory bowel diseases/colitis. Marigold tea is also beneficial for treating gastritis, acid reflux and ulcers, as well as reducing stomach or menstrual cramps.

3. Immune-Boosting Formula

Marigold (calendula) drops or extract are sometimes used to manage symptoms of coughs, sore throats, or fevers.

4. Eye, Genital or Skin Infection Treatment

Salves made with marigold have long been used to treat fungal infections of the genitals, feet, eyes, mouth, skin, and also to lower hemorrhoids, anal tears and candida.

Some of the active ingredients found in marigolds (calendula) that give it these capabilities include: