Wickey Smart Surf  

Climbing frame with slide and climbing wall Wickey Smart Surf

About Wickey Smart Surf

Excited whispering can be heard from the Wickey Smart Surf beach hut. The surfers are full of excitement because the tide is finally coming in! They quickly slip into their wetsuits. The water lovers quickly zoom down the wave slide and into the sea, while the bravest in the group dare to make their way down the climbing stones. But wait! Don't forget the surfboards! The surfers quickly clamp their boards under their arms and run towards the water.

A few of the adventurers stay behind to enjoy a day at the beach. Two of them build magnificent castles in the sandpit, sheltered from the sun, while another climbs up the climbing net to watch his friends splash around. On the wobbly balance beam, a little beginner practices her new surf moves so that she will soon be able to ride the waves with her friends. When the tide turns, the little water lovers return to dry land. Tired and content, they sit together in the beach hut and share their adventures.
Wickey - Create your own adventure!

Product details

Platform height(s) 120 cm
Length 457 cm
Width 420 cm
Height 237 cm
Installation area 19,19 m²
Recommended quantity of sand 260 kg at a filling level of 60 %
Series / Post thickness Wickey Smart Series / 7x7 cm
Swing beam 9x9 cm
Length of slide 220 cm