This is Judaica paperback - Eli learns to deal with emotions - shame - Includes tips for parents
From Israel with Hebrew text

אלי לומד להתמודד עם רגשות

In the book "Eli learns to deal with emotions" written professionally and illustrated with great grace, we will give our children a unique approach to the magical world of emotions. In a book of a variety of stories from the successful series, Eli learns to deal with emotions, a selection of stories from life, with the help of which we will enrich the emotional and verbal language of our children. We will help them overcome negative emotions and teach them to contain emotions in a balanced and healthy way. Highly recommended as a tool for educators and parents who want to enrich their children's emotional world

Highly recommended for devoted parents and young children who will give them a desire to keep the deadlines.

Language: Hebrew 

Number of pages: 16