The most affordable way to add the Mr Men £5 Brilliant Uncirculated UK Coin to your collection!

Inspired by his son who asked a simple question "what does a tickle look like?' and first published 50 years ago, the Mr Men Little Miss series by Roger Hargreaves soon took the world by storm. A colourful best seller that has sold over 100 million copies all over the world, it's hard to find anyone that doesn't know the characters of Mister Land.

To honour a remarkable 50 years of joyful stories, The Royal Mint have teamed up with Adam Hargreaves, son of Roger and current author/illustrator, to design a new range of licensed coins that are bound to be loved by all.

This Brilliant Uncirculated £5 Coin features Mr Happy on the reverse, a firm family favourite, and is sure to be snapped up quickly by the millions of worldwide fans. Presented in official The Koin Club packaging and featuring a coin minted by The Royal Mint, this is the most simple way to grow your collection with ease.

Denomination: £5
Country Of Issue: United Kingdom
Year Of Issue: 2021
Alloy: Cupro-Nickel
Weight: 28.28g
Diameter: 38.61mm
Year Of Issue: 2021