Egyptian Handmade Etched & Hammered Copper Color Portrait 22.5” X 16.75”.

The scene is of the outside of Beshtak Palace on Al-Muezz Street in Old Fatimid Cairo. The palace was built in the 14th century. The Arabic inscription in the bottom right hand corner reads “Qasr Beshtak” or Beshtak Palace. This portrait is handcrafted by a master artisan in old Cairo over 40 years ago.

There is a tiny flaw in the placement of the hanging loop on the back that causes the portrait to ever so slightly tilt as shown in the second picture. A quick fix is also shown in shown in the third picture. This quick fix can also be hidden by attaching a small magnet to the back. Also, moving the hanging loop slightly to the left or adding a small weight to the back in the opposite direction can rebalance this magnificent piece of art.

This is a handmade product and the small dent in the top left hand corner shown in the fourth picture is part of the original hammering process.

The last two pictures show the actual Beshtak Palace on Al-Muezz Street in Old Cairo.