Organic Dried pandan (Pandanus) leaves powder Natural 100g

Benefits of Pandan Leaves

1. Treating High Blood Pressure...

First health benefit of pandan leaves is to treat high blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a disease in blood vessels that cause the pressure beyond the normal limit of 110-120 / 90mmHg. This disease can be caused by factors of food, age, lifestyle, obesity, and stress.

Various sources mentions that drinking pandan tea twice a day could lower high blood pressure. All you have to do to make this pandan tea, is to boil 2 – 3 cups of water with 3 grams of pandan leaves. Wait until it receeds to only half the amount of the water. The pandan tea could be consumed half in the morning and half in the night to lower high blood pressure. If pandan tea consumed regularly, it could also prevent other heart diseases like coronary artery disease.

2. Cleanse and Prevent Dandruff....

Dandruff is excessive exfoliation on the scalp. One of the most easily visible signs of dandruff is white or grayish flakes that stick to the hair or fall to the shoulders. Dandruff is caused by the accelerated growth and death of scalp cells. This is exacerbated by oily scalp, stress, unsuitable product use, and washing the hair too often or too seldom. If you have this problem, you could utilize health benefits of pandan leaves to treat your head skin and hair.

According to VegetaFruit, pandan leaves are good for the scalp and hair. Treatment for the scalp and hair by pandan leaves are done by making some kind of pandan shampoo. First, mash ten dried leaves of pandan leaves then add enough water to make it into paste. After the paste is ready, massage the paste into your hair and if you do regularly, it will not only remove dandruff from your scalp, but also nourish your hair.

3. Preventing Hair Loss...

Another health benefits of pandan leaves for our hair is to prevent hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by many factors such as psychological pressure, drug side effects, and malnutrition. There are many ways to fight hair loss, one of them by utilizing natural materials such as pandan leaves. You need to prepare 1 pandan leaves, 10 leaves of hibiscus leaves, 1 handful of false daisy leaves, 5 plum aralia leaves, 10 jasmine flowers, and 1 rose petals. All ingredients are washed and then put in a pot of aluminium. Add half a cup of coconut oil, sesame oil and hazelnut oil. Boil the mixture until it boils down and then filter it.

Apply the concoction to the hair and scalp evenly and wrap with a warm towel. Do it at night before bed. The next day just rinse with cold water and shampoo as usual. Perform this treatment regularly as much as 2-3 times a week.

4. Embellishing Dull Hair Color..

Pandan leaves have yet another benefit for our hair, that is to embellish dull hair color. Various factors such as pollution cause the hair becomes dull and lose its natural luster. Restore the luster of hair by preparing 7 pieces of pandan leaves, wash and cut into small pieces. Boil the pieces of pandan leaves with 1 liter of water, until the color of the water turns green. Dab it for a night. The next day, mix the boiled water of pandan leaves with the noni juice. Shampoo your hair with the concoction and then wash the hair clean after. Do it routinely 3 times a week and see the results.

5. Pain Reliever..

Pandan leaves contains laxative properties that can act as a pain reliever from headache, ear pain, chest pain, and arthritis. To use pandan leaves as pain reliever, one could drink pandan tea twice a day, in addition if drank regularly, it also have the capacity to decrease stomach spasms which could relate to inflammation and infection. Also for mothers, pandan tea could also aid in the recovery of after birth.

6. Overcoming Weak Nerves

Pandan leaves are also very beneficial for our nerves system health. Weak nerves could cause people to get occasional cramps. Weak nerves usually caused by the reduction of nerve stimulation to specific body parts that have been previously been available in full and sufficient. Pandan leaves helps to promote health and nerve system in our bodies. To do that, you just have to pick 3 pandan leaves and chop them to small pieces, boil it with 3 glasses of water. Let it gets boiled in the water until there is only about 2 glasses worth of water remaining. Strain the concoction to separate the water with the pandan residue, and drink one glass in the morning and one in the evening.

7. Increasing Appetite..

Appetite problem could happen to everyone, especially those who have problems with their smelling sensory. Our body needs nutrition and vitamins to sustain life, therefore, lack of foods to our body could also mean our body are more vulnerable to diseases.

Pandan tea could be a natural ingridients to increase appetite. Pandan tea could be drank twice a day to help promote health and increase your appetite

8. Relieving Insomnia

Insomnia could be a very hard thing to handle. Especially if this happens when you have to get up early the next day and have a bunch of activities to do. The symptom often occur when a person is anxious and has a burden of mind. If you are experiencing insomnia you can give a try to Pandan Leaves to relieve your Insomnia. Pandan leaves have been proven very beneficial here for our health. Pandan leaves contain alkaloid compounds that can provide a calming effect on the body. When experiencing insomnia, pandan leaves can help you calm down and make you easier to sleep. You only need to brew pandan leaves with hot water, then put one teaspoon of honey. Drink while still warm.

9. Curing Tinea Versicolor

Tinea Versicolor is a fungal infection characterized by white patches on the skin. This disease interferes with your appearance and causes itching of the skin. Pandan leaves can help you to treat it. First, you need to crush the pandan leaves until it becomes smooth. After that, squeeze the water, then give salt to taste. Drink once a day for three days. This method should be done regularly to speed up the process of recovery.

10. Reducing Fever

Fever is usually a sign that the body is fighting infection. Someone with fever will experience an increase in body temperature, causing discomfort. To reduce fever, you can boil the pandan leaves and drink the water. After that, your body heat will come down slowly.

11.Enhancing Stamina

Consuming pandan leaves are also useful to keep the body to always stay fit and energetic throughout the day. The trick, boil five pandan leaves with three glasses of water, remove after boiling, let stand until cool, add lemon water, then drink every two days. If this done regularly, it could boost the benefit of pandan leaves for our health.

12. Relieving Body Aches

You could also feel the health benefits of pandan leaves if you are and active person. Doing a lot of activities for a full day or doing heavy physical activity causes the body aches. Pandan leaves could be helpful to treat body aches. Ingredients needed are 5 pieces of fresh pandan leaves and 20 pieces of lemongrass leaves. Wash clean and then pounded until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil then mix well. Use the ingredients to rub and massage the affected parts of the body.