Okamoto 0.01 Zero One Ultra Thin Polyurethane condoms are known for its ultra-thin design. Made from polyurethane, these condoms provide a high level of sensitivity and are often chosen by individuals who prefer a more natural feel during sexual intercourse. 

Thickness: These condoms are known for their extremely thin design, measuring 0.01 millimeters in thickness. This thinness allows for increased sensitivity during sexual activity.

Material: Okamoto 0.01 Zero One condoms are made from polyurethane, which is a synthetic material. Polyurethane condoms are a good alternative for individuals with latex allergies or sensitivities.

Strength and reliability: Despite their thinness, Okamoto 0.01 Zero One condoms are designed to be strong and reliable. They undergo rigorous testing to ensure their quality and effectiveness as a contraceptive method.

Product of Japan