Moon Magic Lunar Crystal Charging Kit
  • Lunar Etched Selenite Wand
  • Palo Santo
  • Black Salt

Charge + Cleanse
Moonlit magic is a thing! Cleanse your crystals with white sage or palo santo. Lay them on a bed of black salt with the included selenite wand to keep them energetically cleansed. Set them in the moonlight to recharge your crystals, pack them with divine lunar energy, and ground them back to Mother Earth.

You can also use black salt to:
  • Sprinkle across doorways for protection
  • Keep in a bowl underneath your bed or bedside to dispel nightmares
  • Sprinkle in an offering bowl of Florida water to place on your altar as an intention of purification and protection
  • Sprinkle in a ritual bath to beckon the strength to create healthy boundaries and let go of attachments
Selenite is extremely cleansing and protective. Charging it in the full moon will increase the effectiveness of its energy.