Bill Cosby will forever be known as one of the greatest comedians of all time, despite his many transgressions. Here is your chance to own some of his best comedy sets ever - on vinyl. The LPs and amount available include:

- Bill Cosby Is a Very Funny Fellow Right (3)
- Cosby Classics (1)
- Himself (1)
- I Started Out As a Child (2)
- It’s True, It’s True (1)
- Revenge (2)
- Silver Throat - Bill Cosby Sings (1)
- Those of You With or Without Children, You’ll Understand (2)
- To Russell, My Brother, Whom I Slept With (1)
- 200 MPH (2)
- Why Is There Air? (2)
- Wonderfulness (2)

Please indicate which LP(s) you would like when placing your order. Bulk discounts available.