Roc3 Champion

Paul McBeth 2X Day Glow Yellow


  • Scaled 169g (Penned 166g)
  • Sweet Disc
  • Day Glow
  • Pearly
  • McBeth 2X
  • Bright Yellow Disc with Crisp White Stamp
  • Old Run
  • Very Slightly Domey
  • Rare New
  • Great Thrower


This new disc is a 9/10 due to typical storage wear. The Champion Roc3 with the Paul McBeth 2X World Champion hotstamp was only produced for 1 year as Paul won his 3rd title the very next year and Innova changed the hotstamp to 3X.

The Roc3 holds a line in a variety of wind conditions and has a predictable fade, making this an ideal "go to" mid-range in almost any situation. Advanced players will love the versatility of this disc while newer players can rely on the consistent finish.

Innova's Champion plastic is produced with a hi-tech material that provides outstanding performance and durability. Champion discs are distinguished by a clear or pearlescent plastic. Champion line discs retain original flight characteristics for an extended period of time. Whether used in heavily wooded situations, or on extremely rugged courses, Champion plastic will continue to perform predictably and avoid damage better than any other plastic. Originally designed for professional players, Champion discs are usually more stable than the same model in Pro, R-Pro or DX.

Flight Rating: 5/4/0/3



Single Disc Purchases Under $100

USPS First Class is $4.99 and does not include insurance.

USPS Priority Mail is $7.99 and includes insurance and generally arrives a bit faster than First Class.

UPS Ground option is $9.99 and includes insurance and offers a much more reliable delivery date but sometimes will take longer to arrive than USPS Priority Mail (primarily for customers west of the Rocky Mountains).

Single Disc Purchases Over $100

Will ship via UPS Ground.

Multi Disc Purchases

USPS First Class (2 Discs) at $4.99 or Priority Mail (3+ Discs) is included and includes insurance when the buyer opts in for USPS Priority Mail option for $7.99. 

UPS Ground option is $9.99 and includes insurance and offers a much more reliable delivery date but sometimes will take longer to arrive than USPS Priority Mail (primarily for customers west of the Rocky Mountains).