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Titolo: Fantastic Four No. 1: Panel by Panel
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Chip Kidd, Marvel Entertainment, Stan Lee
Formato: Copertina rigida
EAN: 9781419756153
ISBN: 9781419756153
Publisher: Abrams ComicArts
Genere: Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 25/11/2021

Timed for the 60th anniversary, the iconic and influential first issue of the Fantastic Four by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, deconstructed by award-winning designer Chip Kidd; with text by novelist Walter Mosley, Marvel editor Tom Brevoort, and historian Mark Evanier; and photographs by Geoff Spear

The first issue of Fantastic Four by legendary creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduced fans to a now-iconic team of Super Heroes—Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Girl, the Human Torch, and the Thing—ushering in the modern Marvel Age of comics. Kirby’s artistic contributions in this comic book revolutionized visual storytelling and brought a new reality to the way comics stories could be told, the ripple effects of which continue to influence comic book art to this day. Sixty years after its publication in November 1961, this stunning reimagining by award-winning graphic designer Chip Kidd uses an original copy of the comic book (which initially sold for ten cents and now sells for astronomical prices in good condition) to present the classic story in a whole new way that is sure to engage both lifelong fans and the latest generation of Marvel enthusiasts. The book also includes text by bestselling novelist Walter Mosley, Marvel editor Tom Brevoort, and historian Mark Evanier (Kirby: King of Comics). Stunningly photographed by award-winning photographer Geoff Spear, Fantastic Four no. 1 is showcased as you’ve never seen it before—oversized and remastered—a panel-by-panel exploration of the entire issue that captures every single detail and nuance of Lee’s story and Kirby’s groundbreaking artwork, making it a must-have for every comic book collection.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 279mm
Lunghezza: 216mm
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021

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