Ulteriori informazioni

Titolo: Alfred Hitchcock
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: Master of Suspense
ISBN-10: 1681122898
EAN: 9781681122892
ISBN: 9781681122892
Publisher: NBM Publishing Company
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 02/06/2022
Lingua: inglese
Altezza: 262mm
Lunghezza: 195mm
Autore: Noel Simsolo
Ilustración: Dominique He
Contribuyente: Dominique He (Illustrated by)
Genere: Manga
Description: In 1960, the film Psycho traumatised viewers around the world. But where does the talent of this Hitchcock come from, the one nicknamed 'Master of Suspense'? To find out, we must first go back to his youth, in England, during the first half of the 20th century. The temptation to work for the cinema will not be long in coming, first as a graphic designer at Islington Studios in London where he made his debut behind the camera, as an assistant and then as a full director. Discover the life of undoubtedly one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.
Title Format: Hardback
Paese di origine: GB
Soggetto: Music Dance & Theatre
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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