LIMITED QUANTITIES: SmartBot which is AI Trained Agent for your website. Limited time as an introduction on eBay.

In today's technology-driven world, user experience is the key factor in determining the success of a website. To enhance user interactions and provide exceptional customer support, businesses are turning to SmartBot. This advanced AI-powered chatbot is revolutionizing how websites engage with their visitors, offering a seamless and personalized experience that delivers real value. Read-on, we will explore the key features of SmartBot and explain why integrating it into your website can provide significant advantages for your business.

Integrating SmartBot into your website as shown in the photos is a strategic move that brings numerous advantages, including enhanced customer support, personalized user experiences, improved lead generation, streamlined information retrieval, and cost savings. With the ability to operate 24/7 and handle a high volume of inquiries, SmartBot ensures your website never misses a connection with a potential customer. By embracing this cutting-edge technology, your website will lead the way in providing exceptional user interactions, ultimately driving revenue growth and building long-term customer loyalty.

To experience what your SmartBot might be able to do for your website, ask for our Demo SmartBot Doris, she is trained as a customer support person for an insurance company.

Benefits of Utilizing SmartBot:

1. Enhanced Customer Support:
- SmartBot is available 24/7, providing instant responses to customer inquiries, ensuring prompt assistance. This ensures customers never feel ignored or frustrated by long response times.
- The chatbot can handle a high volume of queries simultaneously, ensuring efficient handling of customer support, leading to improved customer satisfaction.
- A real-time language translation feature allows SmartBot to communicate with visitors from around the world, breaking language barriers and expanding your customer base.

2. Personalized User Experience:
- SmartBot collects data on user preferences, past interactions, and browsing history. Using this information, it tailors recommendations and suggestions that align with individual user requirements.
- By leveraging user data, SmartBot can provide personalized product or service recommendations, increasing the chances of conversion and driving revenue.
- SmartBot can remember user preferences, reducing the need for repetitive information input and creating a seamless user experience that keeps visitors engaged.

3. Lead Generation and Sales:
- SmartBot acts as a virtual salesperson, guiding visitors through the sales funnel and addressing potential objections or concerns.
- By offering proactive assistance, SmartBot can increase the chances of completing a transaction by upselling or cross-selling relevant products and services.
- Case studies have shown that integrating SmartBot into e-commerce websites can lead to a significant increase in conversions, resulting in a notable boost in revenue.

4. Streamlined Information Retrieval:
- SmartBot can rapidly retrieve accurate and up-to-date information from your webpages, databases, or knowledge bases, ensuring visitors receive the most current information without the need for manual searching.
- This feature is particularly beneficial for websites dealing with extensive product catalogs, FAQs, or constantly evolving content.

5. Cost and Time Savings:

- By automating customer support and frequently asked inquiries, SmartBot significantly reduces the need for human intervention, allowing businesses to allocate resources more effectively.
- Rather than hiring and training additional support staff, implementing SmartBot ensures cost savings while maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction.

Considerations and Limitations When Using AI Power Bots:
- SmartBot relies on AI Models and can handle complex questions, if it is fed bad input for training, it will produce bad output for users. Testing is recommended after training.
- The initial set up and customization of SmartBot can be time-consuming and requires technical expertise. However, through this auction, MazeCreator will provide you with that technical expertise.
- It is crucial to monitor and evaluate the performance of SmartBot regularly to ensure optimal functionality, as any outdated or incorrect responses can negatively impact the user experience.

What is included in this auction:

1 : You will get the [Standard] package from the graphic above for the special One Time Fee (One AI Trained SmartBot with Voice to Text for Customer Support)
2 : Your choice of one of the four Avatars (Doris, Mark, Jenny, or Davis) -> We will look at your website and possibly recommend a different Avatar based upon your content/training
3 : Any combination of up to 14 Webpage URLs, Word Documents (.DOC), or PDF documents for training
4 : 14 Day Money Back Guarantee (If you don't love your SmartBot we will try to make corrections or refund your purchase)
5 : Delivery in under 3 Days after getting the required information from you
6 : HTML Code and instructions where it needs to be place on your website for the SmartBot to come alive. Place on all pages of your site!

What we need from you:

1 : Domain name you will be installing the SmartBot (We need one reference for your account, you can install on multiple sites)
2 : Any combination of 14 Websites (Don't need to be yours), Word Documents (.DOC), or PDF Documents you want the AI Bot to learn for your purpose
3 : Responses to any of our questions during training and setup
4 : Quick Reviews of the Prototype SmartBot upon configuration and training
5 : Your glowing review after implementing your SmartBot

What is the catch with the One Time Price?

1 : We can preplan and scale faster with customers that pre-purchase
2 : Pricing is based upon discounted estimate of typical customers use on the servers
3 : You can purchase Live Chat for an addition $250 - One Time Purchase
4 : Requests to retrain your SmartBot if the information is old @ $79/retraining
5 : Consulting & Customization of your SmartBot at $99/Hour (Ask for quote)
6 : Zapier Automation Access (Monthly fee depending upon Automation requests, ask for quote)
7 : We would like you as a long term customer...