For sale is a set of pre-built Mobility Joint Gundam Model Kits. Mobility Joint Gundam kits are SD style model kits that consist of addition model kit parts to a base moveable frame that provides increase articulation. Molded in colored plastic, some additional color apps are painted and others are supplemented with color correcting stickers.

This set comprises all kits released from original Gundam Series/films, each of which were included in volume 1. Kits are pre-built with stickers applied but no additional customization. I have marked what box the suit and accessories came with, but as stated above, these are pre-built and loose.

In total, you will receive the contents from 8 unique boxes, making up a total of 5 mobile suits and a bundle of accessories.

Specifically, you will receive:

1. RX-78-2 Gundam (Box 1-1. Includes Beam rifle and shield)

2. Zeong (Box 1-2 and some parts from box 1-6- specifically the base for the figure and the extension effect parts to display the hands in deployed mode)

3. Zaku II (Box 1-3. Green Zaku II with a bazooka)

4. Zaku II High Mobility Type (Box 1-3 and 1-7. 1-3 is the same base kit, but includes the necessary parts to convert the legs and backpack into high mobility version. Also includes a green helment with commander horn, two ammo containers, and a sniper rifle) Note that it can be displayed as the R-1A type (how it will ship) or the R-2 type by adding extra armor to the lower legs.

5. Johnny Ridden's Custom High Mobility Type Zaku II (Box 1-4 and 1-8. The Base kit is a standard Zaku II in Johnny Ridden's red/black color scheme with yellow spikes. 1-8 converts it into the High Mobility version and also includes new chest and feet parts, as well as a giant bazooka.) 

Shipping included in purchase price in USA. International shipping through eBay.