Bruce Lee Scrapbooks: Volume 9 “Han Vs Lee” & Volume 10 “Fight in the Cavern” August 2023

The ETD Scrapbooks sequences vol 1 to 8 sold out and have become real collectors items.

We now finally bring you Vol 9 & 10 focusing on two of the most spectacular fight sequence in the movie.

Step into the mesmerizing world of martial arts legend Bruce Lee with our thrilling and action-packed scrapbook volumes, “Han Vs Lee” and “Fight in the Cavern.” Immerse yourself in the heart-pounding sequences that showcase the awe-inspiring skills and sheer determination of the one and only Bruce Lee.



🥊 Volume 10 “Han Vs Lee” 🥊

In this epic volume, we present a complete frame-by-frame photo sequence of one of Bruce Lee’s most iconic confrontations, the ultimate showdown against Han. As the story unfolds, Bruce Lee’s character, enraged by the unexpected failure, faces insurmountable odds and a cunning enemy. The battle reaches its peak when Han, attempting to escape, finds refuge in a hidden mirror room. The mirrors initially give Han an advantage, but Bruce Lee’s mastery is unparalleled, as he skillfully smashes all the room’s mirrors to reveal Han’s location. Witness the intensity and brilliance of Bruce Lee’s moves, as he rises above all challenges and emerges victorious in an epic clash of titans.

🥋 Volume 9 “Fight in the Cavern” 🥋

In this captivating volume, every moment is flawlessly captured as Bruce Lee sneaks out again that night, embarking on an incredible journey to send a crucial message to Braithwaite. However, fate has other plans, and Lee finds himself entangled in a prolonged battle with formidable guards, demonstrating extraordinary skills that leave his opponents in awe. Brace yourself for high-flying kicks, lightning-fast strikes, and the unrivaled finesse of Bruce Lee, as he battles his way through the cavern’s depths to fulfill his mission.

🎥 Embark on a Legendary Journey 🎥

These two Bruce Lee scrapbook sequences offer an immersive and unforgettable experience for fans and martial arts enthusiasts alike. Witness Bruce Lee’s charisma, dedication, and incomparable talent in every frame. Feel the adrenaline rush as you delve into the world of martial arts mastery, guided by the undying spirit of the legendary Bruce Lee.Don’t miss the opportunity to own these limited-edition scrapbook volumes, “Han Vs Lee” and “Fight in the Cavern.” Embrace the legacy of Bruce Lee and get inspired by his unwavering determination to overcome all obstacles. Order now and relive the excitement, passion, and power that defined Bruce Lee as a true icon of martial arts history.

releasing date 15thAugust