High-Frequency Facial Massager at Home for Acne, Wrinkles, Under-Eye Circles, Cellulite & More - GESS-623

High-frequency impulse Massager is applied for hair strengthening and growth stimulation, rejuvenation of aging skin, reducing acne, cellulite, varicose veins. Darsonvalisation is based on the therapeutic effects of an alternating current with a high voltage on the human body through a gas-filled glass electrode. SuperNova is intended for home use.

SuperNova is a part of the GESS Expert Collection. Scan the QR-code on the package and get access to the exclusive video tutorials. The professional esthetician will give you advice on how to use the device and do the procedures at home. Watch the videos and follow some easy steps to get clean skin and strong hair!

There are 4 glass electrodes for various body areas:

  1. COMB with orange glow (neon gas) is widely used for hair and scalp. It strengthens hair, fights hair loss and dandruff.
  2. DROP with violet light (argon gas) is used for local inflammations of the skin. It cleans up the pores, improves blood flow and reduces acne appearance.
  3. FORK with orange glow (neon gas) is used for the whole body. It helps with varicose, cellulite and osteochondrosis.
  4. MUSHROOM with orange glow (neon gas) is great for body and face skin. It reduces cellulite appearance, tightens the skin and fine lines.

supernova before after

The period of use can vary depending on your purpose:

  • Hair strengthening and hair loss prevention. You need to do 20-30 procedures 3-4 times per year.
  • Acne reduction. The course includes 10-20 procedures depending on the problem area. You can repeat the procedures 3-4 times a year
  • Sleep disorder. Use the device every day or every other day for 5-10 minutes. The course takes 10-15 procedures.
  • Varicose veins. The entire course consists of 15 procedures 5-10 minutes a day.
  • Cellulite reduction. The course takes 10-15 procedures.
  • Skin inflammation. The course takes 10-15 procedures. Use the device for 10 minutes.

We recommend taking photos of your skin or hair during the course to track the results!

gess treatment

Contact (silent discharge) treatment method

The vacuum electrode of the facial wand affects a particular area of the skin by being in direct contact with it. The method is used for treatment of aging and problematic skin, cellulite, varicose veins and for hair growth stimulation.

treatment method

Contactless (spark discharge) treatment

When the electrode is moved away (1-4 mm) from the skin, a spark discharge is produced, the air around the device fills with ozone and you feel slight tingling sensation on a treated area. The method is used for pain relief, treatment of diseases with neuralgic character, resorption of hematomas.

Main benefits of GESS SuperNova High-Frequency Wand:

  • improvement of venous blood and lymph outflow
  • blood circulation normalization
  • brain vessels tone
  • headaches elimination
  • sleep normalization
  • work efficiency increase
  • skin elasticity and tightening
  • wrinkles and fine lines reduction
  • immune system strengthening
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