First Man On The Moon 7-inch 45 rpm vinyl record July 1969 Neil Armstrong Hugh Downs

Commemorative recording of Apollo 11 NASA space flight to the moon, “First Man of the Moon” gave listeners a chance to relive the news and narration of the Apollo Moon landings in 1969. Hugh Downs, famous news reader in America in the period, narrates the account. 

The recording is a 7” 45 rpm vinyl disc in excellent condition. Free from scratches and damage. 

In original coverslip. 


Front coverslip reads: 
Commemorative Record of Apollo 11 Flight
First Man on the Moon
July 1969

Narrated by Hugh Downs

Produced and manufactured by MGM Merchandising Corp., New York, NY 10019

Technical Advisor

Major James C. Sparks, USAF (Ret.)

Author: Moon Landing, Project apollo


Back coverslip reads: 

A Commemorative Record of
The First Words Spoken By Man on the Moon!

Record selected and prepared from moon to earth reports for Apollo 11 lunar landing mission


From Discogs