Common names include moonflower, devil's weed, and hell's bells.

Lord Shiva is also known as Bholenath meaning the one Who is simple-minded or gullible. As per scriptures, it is said that it is very easy to please Lord Shiva and obtain His blessings. A mere simple offering of things found in the wild makes Mahadev happy. 
Lord Shiva Worship is mostly very simple items (fruits and flowers) that are found in the wild such as Datura and Bilva leaves.

Datura flowers, commonly known as Jimson weed, devil's trumpet, devil's weed, thorn apple, are used to adorn Shivling in many Lord Shiva's temples. Dhatura garlands are offered to Lord Shiva and are available outside many Lord Shiva's temples.

Datura fruit or flower is offered to the Lord symbolizes that we are surrendering and getting rid of all our bitterness, negativities, and toxicity like hate, jealousy, and anger. This makes you pure and free from all sins.

Sadhus, Aghoris, Tantrics ,saints, Shaivites, who are worshippers of Lord Shiva smoke the leaves and seeds of Datura plant. 

Why is Dhatura Offered to Lord Shiva?

Datura fruit or flower is offered to the Lord symbolizes that we are surrendering and getting rid of all our bitterness, negativities, and toxicity like hate, jealousy, and anger. This makes you pure and free from all sins.

Benefits of Offering Datura Flowers To Shiva

  • It helps in overcoming fear of enemies.
  • Those who have sleep issues will find relief after offering the flowers and leaves.
  • The flower is also offered to solve financial problems.

The flower is usually showered on Shivling or garland is made placed near Shivling or is put around it.

Thank you very much.