
Thank you for purchasing or looking at this item and hope you enjoy as much as I did using it,

Hope you too have a lot of fun using it but if you need more instructions or see how to use it please see my video on you tube 

Just copy and paste the link below I will be putting another video on there which shows being used on chicks as well 

Bird sex indicator magnetic Tester

Simply hover the Tester over the birds vent and wait until the magnet settles.

If the tester  starts moving in a circular motion it's a female/Hen

If the tester starts moving backwards and forwards from head-to-tail it's a Male/Cock

I experimented with various different magnets some  were too heavy, others were too strong or weak but this one seems to give the best results works nearly every time, but it’s not 100% accurate ( it’s closer to 60-80% accuracy but you decide for yourself as I only tried on about 50 eggs), Neodymium iron boron 'rare earth' material - strongest magnet material available - this is a one side magnet model with thin cotton line for improved efficiency and sensitivity.

Can also be used on any Fertile eggs or chicks any age 

🐥Saves having to check very intrusive vent checking on chicks 🐣 

(Which in my opinion is very unfair to the chicks) 

We have sold this particular device for many years to bird breeders and receive many, many reports of complete satisfaction.

You tube video is available to view just copy and paste the link below 

For test on egg video the link is 


·      For test on chicks the video link is             



 !Hope you have lots of  fun using it 

🤔Works on humans too, through the clothes😊

Legal Disclaimer, No scientific claim is made or any harm done to any living animal, as no such studies have been carried out with this device, so please use it as a fun item for entertainment only, as no liability of any sort of damages or any returns excepted