Himalayan LEMURIAN Seed SMOKY / Smokey Golden Healer Nirvana Ice QUARTZ Clear Abundance Crystal Cluster. North India. Blessed & Initiated.

This NEW FIND variety of NIRVANA ICE QUARTZ has been hand harvested
from the moraines of the extremely treacherous and strenuous ( 4500 - 6000 meters elevation )

Dimensions - 50 mm X 36 mm X 30 mm.
1.96" X 1.41" X 1.18" Inches.
Weight : 38 Grams / 1.34 Oz.

Smoky Quartz crystals are one of the premier grounding and anchoring stones that transmute negative energy by grounding it back down into the earth.

These crystals are strongly protective and are excellent to keep within your aura.

If you are on a spiritual quest and have been working on any of your psychic abilities it is possible you may have become ungrounded.

This stone is purpose built to solve that problem, as it will bring you down to earth quickly.

They are highly beneficial healing crystals for you to use with strong metaphysical properties to keep you safe from negativity.

They are beneficial crystals to keep with your tarot cards if you are a tarot reader, as they will release any negative vibrations that might be in the cards from clients who have negative energy.

If you are a spiritual worker such as a clairvoyant, you may take advantage of this stones ability as a stone of psychic protection.

Having one of these stones in the environment is very helpful and ensuring you are grounded is a very important part of doing any spiritual work.

If you work on a computer, having one next to it will help to remove the electromagnetic energy that will be created in the room.

So this is a very useful and wonderful stone to wear upon your body, especially if you are doing any spiritual work or healing.

This stone is known to assist you if you are sensitive to the emissions of man-made electrical devices.

If you have electrical sensitivity when in the vicinity of computers, wifi and other devices that emit electromagnetic energy, this stone may help you to deal with these emissions.

You may use a piece of this stone as part of your daily meditation with crystals, and afterwards, if it a small piece you can keep it on your body.

One of the benefits of natural Smoky Quartz is that, being a quartz crystal it has a strong ability to amplify the energy of not only itself, but also any other stones you may combine with it, which may be helpful for healing.

Natural Smokey Quartz has excellent healing properties and they are powerful  to use for physical healing and are purported to help those with suicidal tendencies.

This crystal is helpful to keep within your energy field as it is both a base or root chakra stone and an earth star chakra stone.

Its strong energy moves down from the base chakra through the earth star chakra and will ground you to Mother Gaia.

These stones will absorb an enormous amount of negativity from many different sources and this can be helpful if negative emotions are making life difficult.

They are strong healing stones that help to relieve pain and may assist muscle cramps though their action to release negative energy.

They are particularly good crystals for psychic protection, so are powerful to use to protect you from negative entities.

Because natural Smoky Quartz crystals are naturally irradiated, it is a helpful stone for those undergoing radiation treatment to keep close to them.

These crystals have the ability to amplify the healing outcomes for those who are receiving these treatments, and they offer protection from many types of negativity in the environment.

To boost the healing of yourself or loved ones program your quartz crystals to aid your healing.

If you are feeling unhappy or are in a bad mood and pick up one of these Smoky Quartz Crystals, you will find your good humor seems to return very quickly.

They are also purported to assist panic attacks and are  good stones to help you during difficult situations that you find hard to deal with.

These natural crystals may ground most of the negativity that they absorb into the earth star chakra.

Nirvana Quartz is a variety of quartz that was only discovered in 2006 when the Himalayan glaciers began to recede due to global warming.

This type of crystal is also known as ice quartz, as many of the pieces have strange shaped forms and resemble pieces of ice.

They are very high vibration crystals with strong metaphysical properties which help you to move towards that state that is known as enlightenment.

Using them may help your spiritual awakening, as they have a powerful crystal energy that is easily felt within the higher chakras.

In particular, you may notice its energy at the third eye, crown and soul star chakras, as well as at the heart and thymus chakras, and at the lower chakras, if you choose to use them there.

They have a pleasing vibration, that helps you to make a strong connection with the loving energy of the heart. They are excellent to use in meditation, to aid you to create a deeper spiritual connection, that will move your spiritual growth forward in a profound way.

The word Nirvana comes from the Buddhist religion, and relates to reaching a state where you are able to let go of those things that bind you in the perpetual state of living life after life.

It may also relate to the desire to experience a state of bliss, when you have released karmic debts. It is said at this time you reach a state of enlightenment, and achieve a new level of existence known as Nirvana.

These crystals lay under the glacial ice on the Himalayan mountains in northern India, until the ice melted and they were exposed for the first time in thousands of years.

This quartz variety is also known as Lemurian Scalar Quartz, Himalayan ice quartz, as well as growth interference quartz.

This last name is because most Nirvana Quartz crystals have not grown in a normal way, as they had other crystals growing with them, including calcite, fluorite and anhydrite.

These minerals later slipped away, and left the strange shapes found in many of the crystals.


Nirvana Quartz aka Nirvana Ice Quartz, Ice Quartz and Kulli Quartz, is a rare and recent discovery. In 2006, these different looking quartz crystals were discovered over 18,000 feet up in the Himalaya Mountains in India. Today, the mines are believed to be completely depleted of these special crystals.

These crystals are referred to as “growth interference” crystals because calcite or other minerals grew inside the quartz during its formative years. Eventually, these mineral inclusions dissolved leaving the rather odd looking shapes.

How “Nirvana Quartz” formed:

It is believed that they remained under ice for thousands of years. When the glaciers began to melt, as a result of global warming, these crystals became exposed. Their serrated, contoured and often stubby “icy” formations resemble the sheets of ice and crevices that were hiding them for so long.

The nirvana ice comes in two colors, clear and pink, with neither one more common. The pink is a result of mineral inclusions (most likely iron) that formed in or near the surfaces. Even though each piece has its own irregular shape with no two being alike, they belong to the same family: quartz (silicon dioxide).

Having been buried for so long, they have now finally come alive and want to help us adjust to what lies ahead. It is not surprising that their energy represents our past and our future. Nirvana, as it pertains to this crystal, means “enlightenment” and nirvana quartz is indeed associated with our inner enlightenment.

Nirvana provides a link between our head and our heart. Even though clear nirvana represents our head and pink represents our heart, the energy from either flows between our head and our heart.

In preparing for meditation, nirvana quartz brings us profound peace, inner silence and quiets our thoughts.  Here is what Melody (Love Is In the Earth) has to say regarding this rare growth interference quartz… “Nirvana helps us access the astral, ethereal and other higher realms to help us remove barriers and understand the step wise progression. It helps us understand and get through traumas and change with ease. Nirvana also teaches us that the end of every journey or experience is the beginning of enjoyment and pleasure.”

Nirvana’s energy is a gentle strength that even those who are not normally tuned into crystals can feel. The more we work with nirvana, the more we receive conscious messages and visions which unfold providing us guidance in reaching our highest and best path.

Nirvana ice helps us overcome challenges and painful experiences while still maintaining strength and inner beauty.

Thank you also to Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, co-authors of the “The Book of Stones” for their valuable info on this fabulous stone.

Once the “nirvana ice” is gone, they will probably be gone forever. That explains why they are on the expensive side. If you are drawn to these VERY SPECIAL CRYSTALS, you should get them now.

Quartz is also known as Crystal Quartz or Rock Crystal.  It is a natural form of silicon dioxide.

Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.  It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy.  Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation,including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.  It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.  Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.  Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities.  It aids concentration and unlocks memory.  Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.  Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.

" Your prosperity is our responsibility "

CHAKRA:  CROWN           

SYSTEM: Cerebro spinal nervous system.

ORGAN: Upper brain, right eye.

STONES: Himalayan Quartz.

FUNCTION: Spiritual vision, enlightenment, positive energy.


Programming your crystals with intentions, affirmations and gratitude greatly enhances their healing properties.

Welcome to the world of Himalayan crystals.

All our specimens are hand-harvested at altitudes of more than 3500 meters, making these the highest  occurring mineral specimens in the world. Being impossible for machines to reach  these high remote areas crystal finders have to rely only on human hands, thus saving the crystals and the environment from the violence of machines. For the crystals to retain their maximum healing potential they should have minimum influence of machines. After the crystals reach our workshop they are put through a  21 day optimization period. Crystals are grounded, cleansed and recharged with Reiki energies.  Before being put up for sale, the crystals are checked for optimal resonance thus enabling us to guarantee the best in metaphysical healing energies.

May You Have Showers Of Abundance.

Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the product

as well as Reiki, gem therapy and various new age alternative therapies.. 


We are not professional photographers.
Some color variation may occur due to monitor setting differences.
Our photographs do not do real justice to the crystal.
This crystal will appear even more beautiful when seen with your own eyes.