Product Description

NiQuitin 21 mg Clear Patch - Step 1

Start a new smoke-free life with NiQuitin Clear Patch. This product offers 24-hour craving control until you feel ready to resist a cigarette on your own. The patches come in three steps that deliver different levels of therapeutic nicotine to help you cut down smoking. Apply the first patch after finishing the last cigarette and continue using it every day according to the step-by-step plan. To help beat the cigarette cravings,

combine NiQuitin patches with

NiQuitin Minis :


Each patch contains 114 mg Nicotine and delivers 21 mg of Nicotine in 24 hours.

How to Use:

Apply one patch to the skin once a day, preferably on waking. NiQuitin Clear is intended to be used for 24 hours but can be removed after 16 hours. Full instructions are given in the enclosed leaflet.

Step 1 (21 mg): Initial treatment period 6 weeks

Step 2 (14 mg): Step down treatment period 2 weeks*

Step 3 (7 mg): Step down treatment period 2 weeks*

Light smokers (less than 10 cigarettes a day) should start with Step 2 (14 mg) for 6 weeks and then Step 3 (7 mg) for 2 weeks.

Safety Warning: Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Consult a Healthcare Professional. If you have serious liver or kidney disease, uncontrolled overactive thyroid gland or phaeochromocytoma. Before use if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. If you get a persistent skin reaction, remove the patch and tell your doctor. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed on the side panel. If you are a non-smoker, an occasional smoker or under 12 years old. If you are in hospital because of heart problems, unless your doctor tells you to. Dispose of patch carefully, then wash hands with water only, as instructed in the leaflet.

NiQuitin 21 mg Clear Patch - Step 1 | 1 week Treatment