TV GUARDIAN-The Foul Language Filter Open Box Transformer Cable Manual

"Edits the prgrams and movies while you are watching them by monitoring the signal for more than 100 words and phrases and automatically mutes it. It can even be set to show you the silenced phrase in text form but without the offensive language. TV guardian reads the hidden closed caption text this is required for the hearing impared"

About TV Guardian:
  • Automatically filters out profanity and other offensive phrases on TV Programs
  • Works on TV Programs, DVD and Video movies. 
  • Easily connects between a TV and VCR/Cable box/Satellite Receiver or DVD Player
Three closed-caption settings:
  • Strict and Moderate filter settings, for example the word "sh.." with be replaced with "crud"
  • Another setting Displays the edited text on TV Screen only when muted out
  • The third setting turns off the display of closed-caption text