Leggins Gala Sport Elite Factory.

Sports leggings designed with special fibers for sports activities, it is a soft touch textile, it offers a good fit to the body, comfort, breathability and most importantly durability (these textiles are exclusive developments of this mark).

Los productos son revisados antes de subirlos a la plataforma y se realiza una revisión mas, antes de enviar el artículo al comprador. Para verificar que el material se encuentre en buen estado.

Si encontramos algún problema con el producto antes de ser enviado nos ponemos en contacto con el comprador, para comunicarle el suceso y llegar a un convenio. Haciendo lo mejor posible para que el proceso de transacción sea satisfactorio para ambas partes.

Gracias por su preferencia.

The products are reviewed before uploading them to the platform and one more review is carried out before sending the item to the buyer. To verify that the material is in good condition.

If we find any problem with the product before it is shipped, we contact the buyer to notify him of the event and reach an agreement. Doing our best to make the transaction process satisfactory for both parties.

Thanks for your preference