• ✅ Turmeric has been used in ancient India as part of ubtan used for cleansing before the advent of soaps, the anti-septic properties make turmeric an essential part of cleansing rituals
  • ✅ Turmeric is a great ingredient to be used in home-made face packs that can be used for number of skin problems.
  • ✅ Prepare a smooth mask by mixing Reoric Kasturi Turmeric powder with Chandan Powder Or with Besan and un-boiled milk.
  • ✅ Kasturi Turmeric has great antioxidant qualities .You can achieve an elastic skin free from rashes and other pesky issues while keeping dead cells, dirt, and excess oil away.
  • ✅ Kasturi Turmeric not only helps in improving your skin complexion but also combats the signs of aging, like wrinkles, fine lines, and under eye bags.