Puerto Premium Survey Builder

This is an awesome PHP / MySQL based dynamic script that allows you to create flexible polls. It was built from the ground up using the latest web technologies available such as PHP7, HTML5 and CSS3.

+ What is new in v1.5 (13/09/2023):

 - Change the Survey Editor design to make it more simple for understanding
 - Load Default template questions
 - Add the custom Likert scale to the survey
 - Add Option to remove "all Survey" (can be confusing for customers and not always required)
 - Fix survey end date issue
 - Fix condition logics issue
 - Fix survey QR CODE generator
 - Fix user country bug
 - Fix SMTP bug
 - Fix Instead of on blue to "unpublish" it should be on to "publish" (and on as default)

+ What is new in v1.4 (23/07/2022):

  - nginx fix issues
  - Generate QRcode link for the survey
  - Change website colors from the dashboard
  - Add customizing design for the survey
  - Add BBcode editor to the text box when creating a survey
  - fix known bugs & enhancement

+ What is new in v1.3 (10/02/2022):

  - new survey editor easier to use with the drag and drop feature.
  - add logic to surveys: jump to page/question, hide page/question, show page/question
  - add more question types: images choice, Likert scale for NPS research, dropdown selector, attachment, custom rating scale
  - make one page survey or multiple steps survey
  - add password to surveys (only people with password can take them)
  - send a custom email when people finished the survey
  - share survey using email and social media (can disable it from survey option)
  - add option: members and visitors cannot create surveys (Only the administrator)
  - add option: Visitors cannot answer surveys (only members)
  - add option: show/hide top bar on home page
  - dashboard (add google analytics, create users, add send survey template)
  - add/delete plans from the dashboard
  - GDPR compliant (cookie notifications)
  - multi language from dashboard
  - fix bugs & enhancement

+ What is new in v1.2.1 (05/5/2021):

  - Survey page: fix send survey redirection
  - Survey page: delete step
  - Survey page: fix issue related to changing answer type when deleting an answer

  - Home page: fix language
  - Home page: add dashboard link
  - Home page: fix logo issue
  - Home page: fix hide phone and email

  - Plan Page: fix the $0.00 plan
  - Plan Page: fix enable/disable plan issue

  - Dashboard: fix deleting pages

+ What is new in v1.2 (14/09/2020):

  - ADD Landing Page (You have the choice to enable or disable it from the administration)
  - ADD Static Pages in the administration
  - Basic SEO setup, logo, favicon, menu etc
  - ADD the Show ads feature
  - Export all survey data
  - ADD the social media urls in footer
  - Fix bugs

+ What is new in v1.1 (24/5/2020):

  - Manage paid plans from the administration
  - Enable/Disable Plans from the administration
  - Add Social media login (Facebook, Twitter, Google)
  - Enable/Disable site registration from the administrations
  - Move script configurations to administration
  - Add SMTP email system
  - Edit user plan from the administration
  - Add Embed Survey button and generate the iFrame
  - Send questionnaire via an email list
  - Change the “Send Survey” button from top to the bottom
  - Fix bugs

+ What is new in v1.3 (10/02/2022):

  1. change the survey editor and make it easier to use by adding the drag and drop feature.
  2. add logic to surveys (jump to page or question, hide page or question, show page or question)
  3. add more question types (images choice, Likert scale for NPS research, dropdown selector, attachment, custom rating scale)
  4. make one page survey or multiple steps survey
  5. add password to surveys (only people with password can take them)
  6. send a custom email when people finished the survey
  7. share survey using email and social media (can disable it from survey option)
  8. add option: members and visitors cannot create surveys (Only the administrator)
  9. add option: Visitors cannot answer surveys (only members)
  10. add option: show/hide top bar on home page
  11. dashboard (add google analytics, create users, add send survey template)
  12. add/delete plans from the dashboard
  13. GDPR compliant (cookie notifications)
  14. multi language from dashboard
  15. fix bugs & enhancement

+ What is new in v1.2 (14/09/2020):

  1. ADD Landing Page (You have the choice to enable or disable it from the administration)
  2. ADD Static Pages in the administration
  3. Basic SEO setup, logo, favicon, menu etc
  4. ADD the Show ads feature
  5. Export all survey data
  6. ADD the social media urls in footer
  7. Fix bugs

+ What is new in v1.1 (24/5/2020):

  1. Manage paid plans from the administration
  2. Enable/Disable Plans from the administration
  3. Add Social media login (Facebook, Twitter, Google)
  4. Enable/Disable site registration from the administrations
  5. Move script configurations to administration
  6. Add SMTP email system
  7. Edit user plan from the administration
  8. Add Embed Survey button and generate the iFrame
  9. Send questionnaire via an email list
  10. Change the “Send Survey” button from top to the bottom
  11. Fix bugs