
Millionaire Occult Alchemist Silver Ring c. 1747 ~ Over 58,000 Magic Infusions

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With respect to eBay's clear, and stated policy about metaphysical items I wish to clearly disclose that all of the information I am sharing with you are not statements of any kind of specificity and/or guarantee to cause and effect. I am sharing with you my own professional and personal assessment of, and experiences with this rare offering. All items are being sold strictly as jewelry. All paranormal properties listed are my own professionally trained interpretation.

This is a private auction. Nobody on eBay, or anywhere else will know that you have made this purchase.

One of a kind pure silver "spoon" ring, created in 1747 that holds within it's self a staggering 58,000 directly magick infusions of energy!

This unusual and exotic ring belonged to an Occult Collector of Dual Magick – a long time friend and secret associate of ours, and a well known political figure, someone whom most would not expect, whom we will refer to as “Carlyle".

Carlyle left specific instructions with this piece for us before he passed. Though this piece is of Dual Magick, containing Magick of both White Light and Dark in Nature, this is not something that is to be used for evil or to bring harm to others. This is to go to one who will use it to not only better themselves in creating their own personal Empire and Legacy, but who will also use it to better the lives of others.

Carlyle lived a very long and successful life which he had created Generational Wealth, Generational Fame, Generational Power, and Generational Admiration, which he completely attributed to this very ring.

This Museum quality Metaphysical relic is his Life’s work. He secured the elite status of his family for generations to come, and used it to make lasting, life changing impacts in the lives of many others across the globe.

This individual was happily married for over 70 years to a wonderful woman. He was one of the Navy’s youngest aviators, rose to rank of Lieutenant in WWII, and graduated from an Ivy League University in just 3 years. He had his own oil company and was a Millionaire by the age of 40. He would later go on to hold the seat as the most Powerful man in the world.

Carlyle didn't collect Metaphysical objects, but rather, collected the Magick and Power from them – some willingly, knowingly, others were secretly done, or forced – hoarding all of it within this very ring you see here.

Some of the Power was duplicated, some was siphoned and removed from the original object completely.

Exclusively used as the pillar from which Carlyle's entire personal empire was built upon and constructed, this vessel is meant to Arm yourself with the widespread Power of Duality from all corners of the Earth and beyond, both of White Light and Dark Arts, imbued with such Energies and Magick of both Influence and Force, to construct a future of your own personal Kingdom.

There are over 58,000 individual infusions of pure power, permanently imprinted into this incredible ring.

From the age of 17, when he met his future wife, Over the course of the past 77 years, these Metaphysical infusions have come from the Power within Talismans and Spirit Vessels from all the corners of the Earth.

Solomonic Magick directly passed down from King Solomon himself

Magick from the Ancient Mystery Schools of Greece, Rome, and Israel

Otherworldly forms of Power/Magick held within Area 51

Luciferian Magick

Alchemy from Master Minervals

Ancient Pagan Magick captured by the Ancient conquests of Rome

Vooodoo straight from the High Priestesses of old New Orleans

Seidr from the Norse Vikings

Unknown classified Magick stored within a number of Underground Bunkers

Ancient Persian and Arabian Spells from the Sultans and their Djinn

Egyptian Sorcery and Red Magick

Magick taken from native and indigenous tribes across the globe, from the Native Americans to the Kalash, the Maori to the Druids

Sacred Magick held by the Vatican of Saints, Papacy, and Jesus

Hidden Magick known only to the Illuminati and their subgroups

Practical Kabbalah from the Jewish Rabbis of the Eastern Orthodoxy

Rosicrucian Order

Atomic Alchemy

Enochian Magick

Celestial Sorcery of Solar Spirits

...and thousands more.

This is Magick that has quite literally been the engine of our modern human existence.

The Magick within this has been tediously compiled to give its Master any and all things needed to Conquer and have complete domain over your future.

No longer suppress your true wants and desires as a human on our Earthly plane.

Take control over your mortal life and overpower any and all obstacles with ease.

Triumph over those who have ever made you feel as though you were inferior.

Prevail over your shortcomings and govern your own destiny the way you want it to be.

Finally kick the baggage of the human existence to the curb and become your own Master.

You know you are meant for so much more.

This is the original piece worn by and used by Carlyle, up until his death about 18 months ago.

Now the path for One of you lies within this ring.

Simply begin wearing it as a ring or on a necklace/cord. Carlyle eventually had secret interior pockets made in his shirts to hold this. Whichever way you prefer. At night, keep it close as well.

There is a short ritual you must perform, which Carlyle only added, “so that no other will be able to use this besides the sole Master who is called to it, the man or woman who is destined for Legacy".

All of the Energies, Power and Magick within this extraordinary piece will begin synchronizing to your path organically and your own personal energies, until it completely adapts to your Spiritual Matrix, your individual Spiritual DNA.

All items we sell are shipped anywhere in the world via USPS 1st class mail.

All sales are backed by a full, no questions asked money back guarantee.

If at any point you feel this spirit isn't the right fit for you, or if you're dissatisfied for any reason we will gladly accept her back, and provide you with a full refund. We want you to have peace of mind in making this choice.

Please do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions about this item! You can enter in to this purchase with the utmost confidence that you have absolutely nothing to lose, but oh so much to gain.