 Book Collection on DVD-ROM


 The Ultimate Collection of 

  317 Books         



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  This DVD contains 317 interesting books about Photography.
 You will discover information on many topics such as composition, aperture, shutter speed, exposure, depth of field, lighting, portraiture, landscape, monograph, photobook and many more!


 This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Photography!





A dictionary of photography (1867) - Sutton, T. - 402 pages

Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.1 
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 408 pages

How to make good pictures
; a book for the amateur photographer (1922) - n.a. - 176 pages

Photographic instruction book; a systematic course and illustrated hand-book on the modern practices of photography in all its various branches for amateur and professional
(1903) - Stith, T. D. - 288 pages

The Camera 
(1916) - Chambers, F. V. - 789 pages

The modern practice of photography
(1868) - Thomas, R. W. - 104 pages

1907 price list, cancelling previous lists, of light filters, cameras, and all materials for orthochromatic and colour photography
(1907) - n.a. - 28 pages

A classified and illustrated price-list of photographic cameras, lenses, and other apparatus and materials
(1888) - Walmsley, W. H. - 132 pages

A complete treatise on artistic retouching, modeling, etching, art and nature, art and photography, character, chiaroscuro, composition, style and individuality
(1903) - Weisman, C. - 200 pages

A complete treatise on the art of retouching photographic negatives
; and clear directions how to finish & colour photographs (1898) - Johnson, R. - 250 pages

A description of some important improvements in the processes and apparatus designed for the use of photographers
(1859) - Seely, C. A. - 28 pages

A Dictionary of Photography for the Amateur and Professional Photographer 
(1889) - Wall, E. J. - 266 pages

A handbook of photography in colors
(1900) - Bolas, T. - 260 pages

A history and handbook of photography
(1876) - Tissandier, G. - 444 pages

A history of photography written as a practical guide and an introduction to its latest developments
(1887) - Harrison, W. J. - 174 pages

A manual of photography
; intended as a text book for beginners and a book of reference for advanced photographers (1871) - Lea, M. C. - 452 pages

A new treatise on the modern methods of carbon printing
(1905) - Marton, A. M. - 292 pages

 A numerical classification of photography 
(1916) - n.a. - 36 pages

A popular treatise on photography
(1863) - Monckhoven, D. - 168 pages

A practical ABC of photography
; containing instructions for making your own appliances and simple practical directions for every branch of photographic work (1901) - Wall, E. J. - 282 pages

A practical manual of photography
(1853) - Hogg, J. - 84 pages

A selection of prize pictures from the Amateur Photographic Exhibition
(1887) - n.a. - 78 pages

A treatise on photography 
(1901) - Abney, W. W. - 455 pages

A treatise on photogravure in intaglio by the Talbot-Klic process
(1895) - Denison, H. - 140 pages

A. B. C. guide to photography illustrated
(1900) - Baldwin, T. S. - 132 pages

 Aerial haze and its effect on photography from the air
(1923) - n.a. - 96 pages

Airplane photography
(1920) - Ives, H. E. - 434 pages

Amateur enlarging
(1928) - O'Callaghan, J. P. - 104 pages

Amateur photography
(1903) - Adams, W. I. - 152 pages

Amateur Photography In India
(1935) - n.a. - 178 pages

Amateur photography
; a practical guide for the beginner (1903) - Adams, W. I. L. - 152 pages

An adventure in photography
(1893) - Thanet, O. - 268 pages

An Experimental Study of the Lippmann Color Photograph
(1908) - Ives, H. E. - 45 pages

An introduction to the science & practice of photography
(1895) - Jones, H. C. - 340 pages

 Application aux portraits photographiques d'un système d'éclairage 
(1875) - Klary, C. - 68 pages

Art in photography
; with selected examples of European and American work (1905) - Holme, C. - 306 pages

Art principles in portrait photography
; composition, treatment of backgrounds, and the processes involved in manipulating the plate (1907) - Beck, O. W. - 256 pages

 Artistic landscape photography
; a series of chapters on the practical and theoretical principles of pictorial composition (1896) - Wall, A. H. - 186 pages

Artistic lighting 
(1897) - Inglis, J. - 74 pages

Astronomical photography for amateurs 
(1921) - Water, H. H. - 116 pages

Autotype colour printing processes
(1893) - n.a. - 58 pages

Beginners' troubles
(1921) - Fraprie, F. R. - 88 pages

Bird studies with a camera 
(1900) - Chapman, F. M. - 242 pages

 Bromoil printing and bromoil transfer
(1923) - Mayer, E. - 206 pages

 Buchanan's complete illustrated catalogue; photographic supplies 
(1893) - Buchanan, W. P. - 212 pages

Burton's modern photography
; comprising practical instructions in working gelatine dry plates, printing, etc. (1886) - Burton, W. K. - 204 pages

Byepaths of colour photography
(1924) - Reg. O. - 146 pages

Camera craft
(1900) - n.a. - 620 pages

Camera studies of wild birds in their homes 
(1911) - Reed, C. A. - 328 pages

Cantor lectures on the recent improvements in photo-mechanical printing methods
(1884) - Bolas, T. - 22 pages

Carbon Photography Made Easy
(1903) - n.a. - 154 pages

Carbon printing 
(1902) - Wall, E. J. - 140 pages

Cassell's cyclopedia of photography
(1911) - Jones, B. E. - 636 pages

Catalogue of apparatus and materials used in the art of photography
(1855) - n.a. - 32 pages

Catalogue of Eastman professional photographic apparatus and materials
(1917) - n.a. - 190 pages

Catalogue of platinotype reproductions of pictures & c. photographed and sold by Mr. Hollyer
(1900) - Hollyer, F. - 96 pages

Catalogue of platinotype reproductions of pictures &c.
(1902) - Hollyer, F. - 96 pages

Champlin on fine grain
(1938) - Champlin, H. - 163 pages

Collotype and photo-lithography
(1889) - Schnautss, J. - 194 pages

Color films, plates and filters for commercial photography 
(1925) - n.a. - 36 pages

Color Photography For The Amateur 
(1948) - Henney, K. - 380 pages

Colored media for the photographic dark room
(1885) - Pickering, W. H. - 12 pages

Colour photography
(1959) - n.a. - 116 pages

Colour photography; A practical treatise for amateurs
(1900) - Smith, A. E. - 108 pages

Colour photography; and other recent developments of the art of the camera 
(1908) - Holme, C. - 266 pages

Compendium der practischen Photographie fur Amateure und Fachphotographen
(1891) - Schmidt, F. - 370 pages

Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.10
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 512 pages

 Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.2
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 426 pages

Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.3
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 422 pages

 Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.4
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 470 pages

Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.5
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 408 pages

 Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.6
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 480 pages

Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.7
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 372 pages

 Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.8 
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 396 pages

Complete self-instructing library of practical photography Vol.9
(1909) - Schriever, J. B. - 456 pages

Concise instructions in the art of retouching 
(1876) - Ourdan, J. P. - 112 pages

 Developing; the negative technique 
(1872) - Jacobsohn, K. - 420 pages

Dry plate making for amateurs
; a series of articles first published in the Photographic times (1886) - Sinclair, G. L. - 66 pages

Dry plate photography
; or, The tannin process, made simple and practical for operators and amateurs (1865) - Towler, J. - 104 pages

Early work in photography; a text-book for beginners 
(1896) - Henry, W. E. - 120 pages

El fotograbado; manual práctico
(1898) - Buznego, A. - 76 pages

Elementary photographic chemistry
(1924) - n.a. - 84 pages

Elementary photo-micrography
(1915) - Bagshaw, W. - 198 pages

Elements of photogravure
; photo printing from copper plates (1927) - Bennett, C. N. - 154 pages

Enlarging for the Professional
(1923) - n.a. - 52 pages

Essay on art and photography
(1866) - Sutton, A. V. - 56 pages

Ferric & heliographic processes
; a handbook for photographers, draughtsmen, and sun printers (1900) - Brown, G. E. - 152 pages

First steps in photography 
(1913) - Wallsgrove, J. C. H. - 150 pages

Handbook of the practice and art of photography
(1871) - Vogel, H. W. - 380 pages

Handbook to Gothic architecture, ecclesiastical and domestic, for photographers and others 
(1897) - Perkins, T. - 232 pages

 Handbuch der Photographie der Neuzeit 
(1884) - Krüger, J. - 324 pages

 Handbuch des practischen Photographen 
(1889) - Liesegang, P. E. - 1064 pages

Horgan's half-tone and photomechanical processes
(1913) - Horgan, S. H. - 310 pages

How to be a successful amateur photographer
(1890) - Lancaster, W. J. - 156 pages

How to improve bad negatives
(1901) - Newcomb, E. W. - 108 pages

How to look at pictures
(1906) - Witt, R. C. - 310 pages

How to make good prints
; a description of the popular contact processes (1914) - Miller, M. D. - 52 pages

How to make photographs and descriptive price list
(1883) - n.a. - 58 pages

How to Make Photographs
; And a Descriptive Catalogue of Materials for the Amateur Photographer (1892) - n.a. - 195 pages

How to make pictures
; easy lessons for the amateur photographer (1882) - Price, H. C. - 114 pages

How to photograph microscopic objects, or, Lessons, in photo-micrography for beginners 
(1886) - Maddox, R. L. - 156 pages

Huson on photo-acquatint & photogravure
; a practical treatise with illustrations and a photo-acquatint plate (1897) - Huson, T. - 144 pages

Illustrated catalogue and price list of the Eastman Dry Plate and Film Company, Rochester, New York
(1886) - n.a. - 68 pages

 Impressions photographiques aux encres grasses
; traité pratique de photocollographie à l'usage des amateurs (1892) - Trutat, E. - 180 pages

 Instructions for type L aviation camera, American model 
(1921) - n.a. - 44 pages

Kodaks and Kodak supplies 1914 
(1914) - n.a. - 68 pages

La photographie au charbon
(1876) - Liébert, A. - 198 pages

La photographie mise a la portée de tout le monde
(1867) - Roberson, T. - 160 pages

La photographie pour tous
(1861) - Mulot, L. - 74 pages

La photographie récréative et fantaisiste
; recueil de divertissements, trucs, passe-temps photographiques (1900) - Chaplot, C. - 240 pages

La photogravure facile et a bon marché
(1889) - Ferret, J, - 52 pages

La photo-peinture sans maître
(1892) - Conte, A. - 126 pages

L'art en photographie; avec le procédé au gélatino-bromure d'argent 
(1895) - Daillaye, F. - 414 pages

Les récréations photographiques
(1891) - Bergeret, A. - 212 pages

Library of amateur photography Vol.1
(1915) - Chambers, F. V. - 430 pages

Library of amateur photography Vol.2
(1915) - Chambers, F. V. - 442 pages

Library of amateur photography Vol.3
(1915) - Chambers, F. V. - 378 pages

L'objectif photographique; fabrication, essai, emploi 
(1892) - Niewenglowski, G.H. - 82 pages

Manual de fotografia
(1873) - Le Plongeon, A. - 270 pages

 Manuel d'héliogravure et de photogravure en relief
(1890) - Bonnet, G. - 118 pages

Manuel elementaire de photographie au collodion humide, a l'usage des commencʹants
(1874) - Dumoulin, E. - 72 pages

Materia photographica
; a treatise on the manufacture, properties, and uses of the substances employed in photography (1891) - Leeper, C. J. - 292 pages

Method of measuring the absolute sensitiveness of photographic dry plates
(1844) - Pickering, W. H. - 12 pages

Modern control in photography
(1951) - Erith, J. - 218 pages

Modern photography in theory and practice
; a hand book for the amateur (1899) - Abbott, H. C. - 304 pages

Modern reproductive graphic processes 
(1884) - Pettit, J. S. - 143 pages

Natural-color photography
(1906) - Konig, E. - 108 pages

Naturalistic photography for students of the art 
(1890) - Emerson, P. H. - 358 pages

Nature photography for beginners
(1909) - Bedford, E. J. - 290 pages

Notes photographiques
; collodion humide, émulsion au collodion, émulsion à la gélatine, papier albuminé, procédé au charbon, agrandissements, photomicrographie, ferrotypie, construction des galeries vitrées (1878) - Liesegang, P. E. - 168 pages

 Outdoor photography
(1912) - Dimock, J. A. - 176 pages

Outdoor portraiture
; problems of face and figure in natural environment (1947) - Mortensen, W. - 148 pages

Photo lighting; a treatise on light and its effect under the skylight
, including chapters on skylight and skylight construction, window lighting and dark room work (1902) - Raymer, F. - 138 pages

Photo-aquatint, or, The gum-bichromate process
(1901) - Maskell, A. - 96 pages

Photo-engraving, photo-etching, and photo-lithography in line and half-tone
(1888) - Wilkinson, W. T. - 224 pages

Photo-era magazine Vol. 48
1921) - n.a. - 390 pages

 Photo-era magazine Vol. 49 
(1921) - n.a. - 386 pages

Photogenic manipulation 
(1947) - Bingham, R. J. - 140 pages

Photographer's pocket reference-book and dictionary
(1873) - Vogel, H. W. - 142 pages

 Photographic amusements
; including a description of a number of novel effects obtainable with the camera (1896) - Woodbury, W. E. - 142 pages

 Photographic apparatus manufactured by the Blair tourograph and dry plate co.
(1884) - n.a. - 36 pages

Photographic Enlarging
(1940) - Charles, D. - 146 pages

Photographic facts and formulas
(1924) - Wall, E. J. - 408 pages

Photographic guide
; classified and illustrated price-list and catalogue of photographic lenses, cameras, apparatus, and materials (1891) - n.a. - 124 pages

 Photographic instruction text
(1900) - Palridge, G. H. - 264 pages

 Photographic lenses, shutters and accessories 
(1898) - n.a. - 80 pages

 Photographic manipulation
(1843) - n.a. - 63 pages

Photographic Optics and Colour Photography
(1909) - n.a. - 433 pages

Photographic pastimes
; a series of interesting experiments for amateurs for obtaining novel and curious effects with the aid of the camera (1891) - Schnauss, H. - 220 pages

 Photographic printers' assistant
(1892) - Heighway, W. - 104 pages

 Photographic printing methods 
(1887) - Burbank, W. H. - 256 pages

 Photographic reproduction processes
; A practical treatise of the photo-impressions without silver salts (1891) - Duchochois, P. C. - 134 pages

Photographic workroom handbook
(1928) - Blumann, S. - 124 pages

 Photographics; a series of lessons, accompanied by notes, on all the processes which are needful in the Art of photography 
(1881) - Wilson, E. L. - 380 pages

Photographing clouds from an airplane
(1919) - Carpenter, F. A. - 24 pages

Photography and fine art
(1918) - Bailey, H. T. - 134 pages

Photography at home
; a brief and comprehensive treatise on dry plate photography (1889) - n.a. - 40 pages

Photography for bird-lovers
(1911) - Beetham, B. - 180 pages

Photography for the amateur 
(1922) - French, G. W. - 434 pages

Photography in colours
(1917) - Johnson, G. L. - 354 pages

Photography in the studio and in the field
; a practical manual designed as a companion alike to the professional and the amateur photographer (1887) - Estabrooke, E. M. - 284 pages

Photography indoors and out
; a book for amateurs (1894) - Black, A. - 292 pages

 Photography made easy
(n.d.) - Bayley, R. C. - 270 pages

Photography of to-day
(1913) - Jones, H. C. - 402 pages

Photography of to-day contrasted with that of forty years ago
(1894) - Johnson, I. C. - 26 pages

 Photography self taught
(1926) - Snodgrass, L. I. - 68 pages

Photography with emulsions
; a treatise on the theory and practical working of gelatine and collodion emulsion processes (1882) - Abney, W. - 282 pages

Photography, its principles and applications
(1911) - Watkins, A. - 370 pages

Photography; A new treatise, theoretical and practical, of the processes and manipulations on paper, dried and wet
(1855) - Heath, A. S. - 178 pages

Photography; A Treatise on the Chemical Changes Produced by Solar Radiation
(1852) - Robert, H. - 325 pages

Photography; being simple chapters for beginners on the art and practice of photography
(1899) - Blake, A. H. - 142 pages

(1895) - Blaney, H. - 88 pages

Photogravure and rotary photogravure
(1910) - n.a. - 32 pages

Pictorial landscape photography
(1921) - n.a. - 264 pages

Picture making for pleasure and profit
; a complete illustrated hand-book on the modern practices of photography in all its various branches, for amateur and professional (1903) - Baldwin, T. S. - 330 pages

Picture taking and picture making
(1898) - n.a. - 128 pages

Plain directions for obtaining photographic pictures by the calotype, energiatype, and other processes on paper, including the chrysotype, cyanotype, chromotype, etc., etc, with all the latest improvements
(1845) - Croucher, J. H. - 44 pages

 Plain directions for obtaining photographic pictures
; upon waxed and albumenised paper and glass, by collodion and albumen (1852) - Heisch, C. - 92 pages

Platinum toning; including directions for the production of the sensitive paper 
(1892) - Clark, L. - 122 pages

Portraits in photography by the aid of flash light
(1898) - Guerin, F. W. - 72 pages

Portraiture for amateurs without a studio 
(1903) - Lambert, F. C. - 110 pages

Practical advice to amateur photographers
(1863) - Matheson, H. - 38 pages

Practical amateur photography 
(1896) - Vevers, C. C. - 94 pages

Practical color photography
(1922) - Wall, E. J. - 272 pages

Practical guide to photography
(1885) - Marion and Co. - 300 pages

Practical photography
(1881) - Wheeler, O. - 296 pages

Practical pictorial photography
(1902) - Hinton, A. H. - 196 pages

Practical pocket-book of photography
; a short guide to the practice of all the usual photographic processes for professionals and amateurs (1893) - Vogel, E. - 220 pages

Practical printing processes
(1923) - Fraprie, F. R. - 76 pages

Practical treatise on enamelling and retouching in photography
(1886) - Piquepé, P. - 88 pages

Principles Of Colour Photography
(1953) - Ralph, M. E. - 732 pages

Print finishing 
(1938) - Mortensen, W. - 138 pages

Print perfection; how to attain it
(1924) - Glover, B. T. J. - 102 pages

Remarks concerning certain photographs supposed to be of early date 
(1864) - Boulton, M. P. W. - 176 pages

 Revised price list, photographic materials and supplies
(1905) - n.a. - 78 pages

Scovill Manufacturing Co., manufacturers, importers & dealers in all articles pertaining to photography 
(1884) - n.a. - 170 pages

Secrets of the dark chamber
(1870) - Davie, D. D. T. - 110 pages

Snap-shot photography, or, The pleasures and advantages of hand-camera work
(1895) - Harding, M. J. - 84 pages

Studies in photography
(1892) - Andrews, J. - 238 pages

Sunlight and Shadow; A Book for Photographers, Amateur and Professional
(1897) - Adams, W. I. L. - 155 pages

Sure and easy development of plates and films
(1904) - Hinton, A. H. - 80 pages

The advance of photography, its history and modern applications 
(1911) - Garrett, A. E. - 488 pages

The 'agfa'-book of photographic formulae
(1910) - Barrows, G. L. - 136 pages

The air brush in photography, incorporating a progressive series of lessons
(1920) - Stine, G. F. - 162 pages

The amateur photographer
; a complete guide for beginners in the art-science of photography (1895) - Carlton, W. F. - 68 pages

The amateur photographer
; a manual of photographic manipulation, intended especially for beginners and amateurs (1884) - Wallace, E. - 218 pages

The Amateur photographer's handbook
(1925) - n.a. - 426 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.10
(1898) - n.a. - 649 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.11
(1900) - n.a. - 634 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.13
(1901) - n.a. - 623 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.14
(1902) - n.a. - 583 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.15
(1903) - n.a. - 613 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.16
(1904) - n.a. - 591 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.17
(1905) - n.a. - 619 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.18
(1906) - n.a. - 637 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.2
(1890) - n.a. - 667 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.3
(1891) - n.a. - 602 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.4
(1892) - n.a. - 663 pages

The American amateur photographer Vol.7 
(1895) - n.a. - 639 pages

The American amateur photographer
Vol.9 (1899) - n.a. - 645 pages

The art and practice of silver printing
(1881) - Robinson, H. P. - 176 pages

The art of photography; instructions in the art of producing photographic pictures
(1854) - Halleur, G. C. - 162 pages

The art of retouching
(1891) - Ourdan, J. P. - 132 pages

The artistic side of photography in theory and practice 
(1910) - Anderson, A. J. - 356 pages

The Barnet book of photography
(1905) - Barnet, H. - 310 pages

The camera in the fields 
(1905) - Snell, F. C. - 264 pages

The Camera magazine Vol.20
(1916) - Chambers, F. V. - 789 pages

The camera man; his adventures in many fields, with practical suggestions for the amateur
(1916) - Collins, F. A. - 297 pages

The chemistry of photography
(1892) - Harrison, W. J. - 464 pages

The Colour Book Of Photography 
(1958) - Lorelle, L. - 222 pages

The commercial photographer
(1920) - Rose, L. G. - 180 pages

The dictionary of photography for amateur and professional photographers
(1902) - Wall, E. J. - 676 pages

The dictionary of photography; and reference book for amateur and professional photographers
(1912) - Wall, E. J. - 754 pages

The Elements of a Pictorial Photograph
(1896) - Robinson, H. P. - 181 pages

The elements of photography
(1919) - Fraprie, F. R. - 76 pages

The encyclopædic dictionary of photography
; containing over 2,000 references and 500 illustrations (1898) - Woodbury, W. E. - 539 pages

The evolution of photography
(1890) - Werge, J. - 344 pages

The face of the earth as seen from the air
; a study in the application of airplane photography to geography (1922) - Lee, W. T. - 142 pages

The first book of photography
(1918) - Claudy, C. H. - 160 pages

The first principles of photography
; an elementary treatise on the scientific principles upon which practical photography depends (1892) - Leaper, C. J. - 290 pages

The first steps to a practical knowledge of amateur photography and beginners' note book 
(1894) - Wallsgrove, J. C. H. - 36 pages

The fundamentals of photography 
(1921) - Mees, C. E. - 126 pages

The hand camera manual
; a beginner's guide to photography in its connection with the hand camera (1896) - Welford, W. D. - 154 pages

The history and practice of the art of photography
; or the production of pictures through the agency of light, all the instructions necessary for the complete practice of the Daguerrean and photogenic art, both on metallic plates and on paper (1850) - Snelling, H. H. - 224 pages

The home life of wild birds; a new method of the study and photography of birds
(1902) - Herrick, F. H. - 182 pages

The lighting in photographic studios
(1893) - Duchochios, P. C. - 126 pages

The magic photograph; with full directions and formulas for making it
(1866) - Towler, J. - 16 pages

The modern practice of retouching negatives, as practiced by French, German, English & American experts
(1889) - Piquepe, P. - 74 pages

The modern way in picture making
(1907) - n.a. - 204 pages

The negative and print, or, The photographer's guide in the gallery and in the field
(1866) - Towler, J. - 184 pages

The new recreation Amateur photography; a practicl instructor
(1884) - Tapley, D. J. - 158 pages

The Philadelphia photographer Vol.16
(1879) - n.a. - 446 pages

The Philadelphia photographer Vol.18
(1881) - n.a. - 454 pages

The Philadelphia photographer Vol.3
(1867) - n.a. - 432 pages

The Philadelphia photographer Vol.4
(1868) - n.a. - 440 pages

The Philadelphia photographer Vol.6
(1869) - n.a. - 464 pages

The Philadelphia photographer Vol.7
(1870) - n.a. - 468 pages

The Philadelphia photographer Vol.8
(1871) - n.a. - 450 pages

The photograph and ambrotype manual 
(1859) - Burgess, N. G. - 260 pages

The photograph manual
; a practical treatise, containing the cartes de visite process, and the method of taking stereoscopic pictures, including the albumen process, the dry collodion process (1862) - Burgess, N. G. - 282 pages

The photographer's note-book and constant companion
; containing 250 practical hints, formulae, expedients, etc., etc. (1897) - Lambert, F. C. - 104 pages

The Photographic art-journal Vol.2
(1851) - Snelling, H. H. - 400 pages

The Photographic art-journal Vol.3 
(1851) - Snelling, H. H. - 404 pages

The Photographic art-journal Vol.4
(1851) - Snelling, H. H. - 400 pages

The photographic image
; A theoretical and practical treatise of the development in the gelatine, collodion, ferrotype and silver bromide paper processes (1891) - Duchochois, P. C. - 252 pages

The photographic instructor for the professional and amateur
(1891) - Adams, W. I. L. - 264 pages

The photographic instructor
; for the professional and amateur, being the comprehensive series of practical lessons issued to the students of the Chautauqua School of Photography (1888) - Adams, W. I. L. - 248 pages

The photographic negative
(1888) - Burbank, W. H. - 242 pages

The photographic primer; a manual of practice
(1896) - Worthington, J. C. - 194 pages

The photography of aquatic animals in their natural environment 
(1908) - Reighard, J. E. - 48 pages

The Photography of coloured objects
(1916) - n.a. - 132 pages

The photography of moving objects and hand-camera work for advanced workers 
(1910) - Abrahams, A. - 192 pages

 The photostat and its operation
(n.d.) - n.a. - 26 pages

The practical printer; a complete manual of photographic printing 
(1874) - Hearn, C. W. - 226 pages

The practice of photography; a manual for students and amateurs
(1855) - Delamotte, P. H. - 180 pages

The progress of photography since the year 1879 
(1883) - Vogel, H. W. - 378 pages

The reducer's manual, & gold and silver worker's guide
(1867) - Bloede, V. G. - 176 pages

The science and practice of photography 
(1920) - Roebuck, J. R. - 330 pages

 The selection of subject in pictorial photography
(1901) - Tindall, W. E. - 132 pages

The Sinclair handbook of photography
; a practical guide to the processes of modern photography (1913) - Cinclair, J. A. - 248 pages

The skylight and the dark-room
; a complete text-book on portrait photography (1872) - Anderson, E. - 256 pages

The story of photography 
(1899) - Story, A. T. - 200 pages

The studio and what to do in it 
(1891) - Robsinon, H. P. - 168 pages

The tannin process
(n.d.) - Russell, C. - 146 pages

The techniques and application of aerial photography to anthropology
; a bibliography (1972) - Kruckman, L. - 42 pages

The theory of development 
(1922) - Nietz, A. H. - 204 pages

The Victoria photo handbook and catalogue
(1906) - Woolley, J. - 114 pages

The Wellington photographic handbook
(1910) - Wellington & Ward - 170 pages

Theory and practice of the photographic art
; including its chemistry and optics (1856) - Sparling, M. - 216 pages

Three-colour Photography
(1915) - Pery, L. - 176 pages

Through birdland byways
(1910) - Pike, O. G. - 324 pages

TM 11-2366 Photographic Equipment PH-383
(1944) - n.a. - 42 pages

TM 11-404 Photographic Darkroom Equipment
(1943) - n.a. - 23 pages

Toning bromides and lantern slides 
(1904) - Somerville, C. W. - 100 pages

Traité des insuccès en photographie; causes et remèdes 
(1866) - Cordier, V. - 72 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Supplement A 
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 400 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Supplement B 
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 440 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Supplement C 
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 423 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Supplement D
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 432 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Vol.1
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 512 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Vol.2
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 400 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Vol.3
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 407 pages

Traite encyclopedique de photographie Vol.4
(1889) - Fabre, C. - 413 pages

Traité pratique de photographie au charbon
(1877) - Vidal, L. - 158 pages

Traité pratique du développement
; étude raisonnée des divers révélateurs et de leur mode d'emploi (1982) - Londe, A. - 104 pages

Treatise of photography on collodion
(1858) - Waldack, C. - 190 pages

Trick photography
; a handbook describing all the most mysterious photographic tricks (1906) - Penlake, R. - 68 pages

Tylar's tit-bits to tyros turning their troubles to triumphs
; tested tips tersely told (1900) - Penlake, R. - 68 pages

Uncle Alberts manual of practical photography 
(1890) - Perry, P. - 108 pages

Under sea with helmet and camera; experiences of an amateur
(1940) - Du Pont, A. F. - 146 pages

Unit photography 
(1914) - Steadman, F. M. - 214 pages

Wild life at home 
(1907) - Kearton, R. - 238 pages

Wild wings 
(1905) - Job, H. K. - 383 pages

Wilson's photographics
(1881) - Wilson, E. L. - 368 pages

 Wilson's quarter century in photography
(1887) - Wilson, E. L. - 542 pages

Woodward's universal photography
(1890) - Woodward, J. F. - 24 pages

Your Kodak at the New York World's Fair
; what to take and how to take it (1939) - n.a. - 4 pages


Here are a few images from the collection:




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