Enliven Your Aquarium with the Dazzling Green and Blue Tones of Hygrophila Salicifolia "Blue Hygro"!

Brighten your aquatic sanctuary with this breathtaking plant known for its luscious leaves and dual-tone allure. Easy to care for and mesmerizing to behold, "Blue Hygro" promises to be the centerpiece of your aquascape.

Why Choose Hygrophila Salicifolia "Blue Hygro"?

🌱 Stunning Visuals: Enjoy the vibrant green leaves tipped with a captivating shade of blue, giving your tank a multi-dimensional, colorful appeal.

🌱 Minimal Care: “Blue Hygro” is a hardy species, resilient and adaptable, making it a favorite among both novice and experienced aquarists.

🌱 Aquatic Harmony: The lush foliage provides refuge and breeding grounds for fish and invertebrates, promoting a balanced and lively ecosystem.

🌱 Growth Flexibility: Whether pruned to create bushy clusters or allowed to grow tall, this plant caters to varied aquascaping desires.

What’s Included:

1 Bunch: Kickstart the transformation of your aquatic space, ideal for smaller tanks.

3 Bunches: Achieve a more voluminous, rich underwater garden feel in medium-sized setups.

5 Bunches: Immerse your large tank in the opulent green and blue radiance of multiple “Blue Hygro” plants.

Shipping & Handling:

Each order is meticulously packaged to retain freshness and vitality and is shipped expediently via USPS Priority Mail to ensure your “Blue Hygro” reaches you in prime condition.