Made in Turkey

Made by Karaca

Material copper

Dimensions 4.33 х 11"

Capacity 2 cups (8.5 fl oz / 250 ml)


Not microwave safe

There is only one thing that is better than freshly-brewed coffee - it is real Turkish coffee, brewed in a top-quality cezve! Cezve-brewed coffee is prized for its extremely bold and full-bodied flavor because it retains absolutely all of the nutrients from the coffee beans, used to make it.

Durable, stylish, and high-quality

Non-toxic and absolutely safe

Making cezve optimal are its materials (tin-covered copper), as well as their shape (wide at the bottom and narrow at the top). 

Beautiful classic design.

How to Make Coffee in a Cezve Coffee Pot:

Add finely-ground coffee into a cezve (1 tsp per cup of coffee), sugar, and spices (optional). Pour the exact amount of water needed and heat on a low setting. Stir coffee several times during the brewing process and take off the flame immediately before the coffee boils and serve in cups

A cezve, also known as an ibrik or Turkish coffee pot, is a traditional coffee-making utensil that has been used for centuries in the Middle East, Balkans, and Central Asia. Here are some benefits of making coffee in a cezve:

1 Rich and flavorful coffee: The cezve allows you to make rich and flavorful coffee due to the unique brewing method. The coffee is ground finely and brewed slowly over low heat, which extracts more flavor and oils from the beans than other brewing methods.

2 No filters needed: When you make coffee in a cezve, you don't need any filters. This means that you get all the flavor and nutrients from the coffee, including the oils that are filtered out by paper filters.

3 Easy to make: Making coffee in a cezve is a simple and easy process. You only need ground coffee, water, and a cezve. You don't need any fancy equipment or machines.

4 Health benefits: Drinking coffee made in a cezve may have some health benefits. Turkish coffee, which is made in a cezve, has been shown to have high levels of antioxidants, which can help to reduce inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease.

5 Cultural significance: Making coffee in a cezve is a cultural tradition in many countries, and it is often served with a sweet treat like Turkish delight. Drinking Turkish coffee in a traditional way can be a unique and cultural experience.

Overall, making coffee in a cezve is a great way to enjoy rich and flavorful coffee with potential health benefits, and it can also be a cultural and social experience.

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