The 14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse from Applied Nutrition is scientifically formulated to support a healthy digestive tract by removing unwanted substances from the body, reducing bloating and promoting a flatter-looking stomach. The acai cleanse blend features blueberry, mangosteen, pomegranate and lychee along with acai, the Amazonian superfruit, to provide a potent antioxidant combination that supports digestive health and protects it from free radicals. The powerful herbal formula includes cascara sagrada, slippery elm and ginger, which gently flush away unwanted substances to encourage a healthy digestive tract plus colon and intestinal health. Use the 14-Day Acai Berry Cleanse? and experience a gentle way to cleanse the body and free it of unwanted matter that may hinder digestive health. It's a great way to supplement your health and wellness routine so that you feel lighter and more comfortable.