Accounting of the department of Dyle under the first Empire.

Accounting of the department of Dyle under the first Empire.

Document type : manuscripts

Number of documents: 6 - Number of pages: 1600 - Size: In plane

Place : [Brussels]

Date : 1808-1814


State : Stains and tears on some bindings.

“Ledgers […] to serve Mr. Louis François Passy, ​​Receiver General of the Department of Dyle, to bring back there, day by day, both in debit and credit, from the accounts he will open there, the various items that he will have passed to the newspaper". [Louis François Passy (Etrépagny – Eure – 1760/Gisors 1834), receiver general of the department of Dyle, from 1800 to 1814]. Signed and initialed, depending on the year, by François Louis René Mouchard de Chaban (1757/1814), Frédéric Séraphin de La Tour du Pin Gouvernet (1759/1837), Frédéric Christophe d'Houdetot (1778/1859). Complete panorama of the finances of the department, from the height to the fall of the Empire. 6 in-plano volumes (54 x 38 cm), bound in full Russian leather, Empire green, smooth spines adorned with various gilt attributes, “great book” title labels in red morocco (rel. of the time, stains and tears). One is in half binding

Labels from Hooghart & Cie in Antwerp. Years 1808, 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813 and 1814 (missing 1809). Respectively 306, 314, 282, 278, 286 and 138 pp. + blank pages. With another in-plano register, bound in full cloth, dated 30 ventôse year 13 [ Mars 21, 1805] and signed by Antoine Joseph Pascal Latteur (Brussels 1749/1810), deputy and president of the Dyle department appeal court. Accounting register from year 13 to 1810. Many blank pages.
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“Ledgers […] to serve Mr. Louis François Passy, ​​Receiver General of the Department of Dyle, to bring back there, day by day, both in debit and credit, from the accounts he will open there, the various items that he will have passed to the newspaper". [Louis François Passy (Etrépagny – Eure – 1760/Gisors 1834), receiver general of the department of Dyle, from 1800 to 1814]. Signed and initialed, depending on the year, by François Louis René Mouchard de Chaban (1757/1814), Frédéric Séraphin de La Tour du Pin Gouvernet (1759/1837), Frédéric Christophe d'Houdetot (1778/1859). Complete panorama of the finances of the department, from the height to the fall of the Empire. 6 in-plano volumes (54 x 38 cm), bound in full Russian leather, Empire green, smooth spines adorned with various gilt attri