Adam-Salomon and his sculptures by Lamartine, Lamennais, Blake, etc.

Adam-Salomon and his sculptures by Lamartine, Lamennais, Blake, etc.

Document type : LAS (4) LAS (1)

Number of documents: 5 - Number of pages: 7 p. - Size: In-8 and in-12

Place : sl

Date : 1854-1855

RECIPIENT : Malvina Blanchecotte (1830-1897)

State : Good

Set of five autograph letters from Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon, four of which are signed. He evokes his sculptures and orders, with the poetess Malvina Blanchecotte (1830-1897). The latter was a disciple of Lamartine, under whose impulse she dared to have her work recognized. It is moving here to note that she had ordered a sculpture from her mentor, directly from a great friend of the latter: Adam-Salomon and his wife frequented the Lamartines assiduously. "Mr. Adam-Salomon has the honor of presenting his respectful homage to Madame Blanchecotte and informs her that he has finished the marble bust of Mr de Lamartine. »

"[...] I have just written to my moulder asking him to make two copies of the hand of Lamennais, one that I ask you to accept for yourself, Madam, [...]". He invites Blanchecotte to come and see him to offer him a souvenir and to take “two or three addresses for the placement of the works of Mr. de Lamartine […]”.

"Before completely finishing the bust of Miss Blake which I must send to England soon, I would be happy to have the appreciation of our illustrious [Pierre-Jean de] Béranger who saw and knew my model […]". Adam-Salomon will also create a sculpture of the famous singer.

Black ink on laid paper.
Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon aka Adama (La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, 1818/1881)
French photographer and sculptor.
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Set of five autograph letters from Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon, four of which are signed. He evokes his sculptures and orders, with the poetess Malvina Blanchecotte (1830-1897). The latter was a disciple of Lamartine, under whose impulse she dared to have her work recognized. It is moving here to note that she had ordered a sculpture from her mentor, directly from a great friend of the latter: Adam-Salomon and his wife frequented the Lamartines assiduously. "Mr. Adam-Salomon has the honor of presenting his respectful homage to Madame Blanchecotte and informs her that he has finished the marble bust of Mr de Lamartine. » "[...] I have just written to my moulder asking him to make two copies of the hand of Lamennais, one that I ask you to accept for yourself, Madam, [...]". He invites Blanch