Mirbeau wants copies of his Journal d'une femme de chambre

Mirbeau wants copies of his Journal d'une femme de chambre

Document type : signed autograph ticket

Number of documents: 1 - Number of pages: 2 p. - Size: In-16 oblong

Place : Without

Date : September 16, 1901

RECIPIENT : Émile Darce, Fasquelle editions

State : Good

Note from Octave Mirbeau, addressed to his friend and editor at Fasquelle, Émile Darce. He asks for copies of his last two books: The Diary of a Maid (1900) and The 21 days of a neurasthenic (1901).

“[…] Will you send me two Maids, three neurasthenics, not in the first edition. THANKS. To you. Octave Mirbeau.

Ps I'm in a trance. Complications returned in my wife's condition. Tomorrow, a surgeon from Paris is coming to perform an operation.. I would like to be several weeks old”.

Mirbeau autographed a copy of the Diary of a Maid, to Émile Darce (EO, one of the 200 copies reimposed on Arches vellum).

Black ink on letter-card paper with printed first page, postmarks and autograph address.
Octave Mirbeau (Trévieres, 1848/1917)
Writer, author of Jardin des supplices (1898) and Diary of a chambermaid (1900).
  • Fixed costs: same costs for all buyers
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  • Shipping time: 1 business day
  • Insurance: included in shipping costs
  • Excluded locations: No locations are excluded


Payment methods accepted:

  • Bank check

Contact us for any questions.

Number of documents: 1 - Number of pages: 2 p. - Size: In-16 oblong Note from Octave Mirbeau, addressed to his friend and editor at Fasquelle, Émile Darce. He asks for copies of his last two books: The Diary of a Maid (1900) and The 21 days of a neurasthenic (1901). “[…] Will you send me two Maids, three neurasthenics, not in the first edition. THANKS. To you. Octave Mirbeau. Ps I'm in a trance. Complications returned in my wife's condition. Tomorrow, a surgeon from Paris is coming to perform an operation.. I would like to be several weeks old”. Mirbeau autographed a copy of the Diary of a Maid, to Émile Darce (EO, one of the 200 copies reimposed on Arches vellum). Black ink on letter-card paper with printed first page, postmarks and autograph address. Writer, author of Jardin des supplic