Punarnava is a native plant that has numerous medicinal properties. Punarnava gets its name from its proclivity for growth and reproduction. The aerial part of the plant dries up in the summer and regenerates in the rainy season; the word "Punarnava" comes from Punar, which means "once again," and Nava, which means "new." 

Boerhavia diffusa (Common name: BD), also known as Punarnava is a remarkable species of Cucurbitaceae family which is widely distributed over the Indian subcontinent and some parts of Africa, Europe and America. In traditional medicine system, it has been used in treatment of respiratory disorders as well as skin diseases. It is reported to possess antiaging, disease prevention, and life strengthening activities.

Boerhaavia diffusa (BD) is a variable and multi-purpose plant. It is used traditionally in treatment of several ailments such as psoriasis, measles, cough, bronchitis and fever. 

Punarnava's Therapeutic Applications: 

The Punarnava plant's leaves have anti-bacterial properties, making it an excellent candidate for reducing bacterial infections caused by both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The chloroform extract of Punarnava leaves can lower blood glucose levels while significantly increasing plasma insulin levels.

Punarnava root extract in aqueous form has good liver protective activity. Punarnava leaf extract contains antiproliferative and antiestrogenic activity that can be used to control breast cancer cells. Punarnava leaf and stem extracts could be used to treat oedema because they can reduce inflammation and swelling.

Punarnava is an excellent convulsion treatment.

Punarnava root extracts can stimulate white blood cells and increase stress tolerance. The plant has anti-fibrinolytic activity, which aids in the reduction of fibrin and platelet deposition in vessels. 

It aids in the reduction of corneal (stromal) oedema, inflammation, and gland tortuosity. The herb can be used as a diuretic in kidney disorders and to treat spleen enlargement symptoms. Punarnava extract can also be used as an expectorant, which helps to relieve coughs.

Punarnava root contains anti-helminthic properties that help to eliminate intestinal worms and asthma. 

Punarnava Benefits for Neuromuscular Disorders: 

Punarnava Guggulu is a medication used to treat neuromuscular disorders such as sciatica, as well as pain in the calves, thighs, back, sacral, and bladder region. It can help men with inguinoscrotal swellings. 

Punarnava Benefits for Respiratory Diseases: 

Punarnavastaka and Punarnavadi Kvatha Churna are two formulations used to treat cough, shortness of breath, asthma, and colicky pain. The plant's root is extremely useful in the preparation of both medications.