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Package contents:  1 pack - 5 / 10 / 20 PCS seeds.

Peonies are long–lived, they can grow in one place for more than a dozen years, reach a height of 1 m. The rhizome is large, the roots are cone–shaped, powerful. There are several stems, triple or unpaired pinnate leaves of all shades of green, bluish or dark purple are arranged alternately along the stems. The flowers of the peony are single, fragrant, reaching 15-25 cm in diameter, they are good both on the bush and in the cut. Peony is unpretentious, its agricultural technology is not difficult, so it has always been appreciated by flower growers: even when the flowers fade, peony bushes with openwork lush foliage retain their attractiveness.
 Growing peonies will not require a lot of time or excessive effort from you. The most important thing is to choose the right site for peonies, because they will grow on it for many years. The root system of adult plants reaches a depth of 70-90 cm, so transplanting a bush that has reached 4-5 years of age is not an easy task. Peonies prefer to grow in well-lit areas, it is very desirable to have sunlight for 5-6 hours in the morning. But peonies are afraid of drafts, so it would be nice if they were protected by tall bushes or trees. Do not plant peonies in the lowlands: rhizomes can rot from stagnation of water.
 Growing peonies from seeds has many subtleties, but it is very interesting to wait for the result of your own breeding work. A characteristic feature of peony seeds is low enzymatic activity. This means that a very small number of seeds will germinate in the first year after sowing, if they are planted immediately in the open ground. Most will rise in a year. It is not uncommon for seeds to germinate in the third or even fifth year. Therefore, in order to "deceive" nature, step-by-step stratification is used. 
This property of seeds also passes to seedlings. They grow very slowly, adding several leaves per year. They begin to bloom 5-7 years after planting in the ground. 
In order to "deceive" nature and get greater germination, seeds are germinated at home, using an artificially created temperature drop — stratification, simulating the change of seasons.
 Before you start planting for 2-3 days, soak the peony seeds in the settled water at room temperature. It is even better to use a growth stimulant for this by preparing a solution according to the instructions, or a strong solution of potassium permanganate (the color should be saturated, inky purple). Stratification takes place in several stages. It is important to accurately observe the time frame and all the recommendations given. 
 Stratification phases:
 1. The warm phase. The seeds are planted in shallow containers filled with very moist heated sand or soil and sand in equal parts (if you squeeze it in your fist, water should ooze). For heating, use a conventional oven or microwave. By the way, this procedure is also an additional disinfection of the soil. If the weather permits, just put the heating tanks outside or in the greenhouse. Then they are covered with plastic or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Be sure to have good lighting and extra heat. You can use a special electric heating pad or a conventional heating battery. The optimal temperature is about 15 ° C at night and 25-28 ° C during the day. Do not over—dry the seeds - spray the soil daily from a spray gun (the soil should stick together into a lump when compressed). Ventilate them at least once a week to avoid the appearance of mold.
 2. Cold phase. After about two months, when the root appears, the plants dive, slightly pinching the tip. They are transplanted one by one into fertile soil. It is best to buy ready-made soil in the store. Peat tablets are also a good option. The containers are removed to a room with a temperature of 6-12 ° C. If there is enough space, even a refrigerator will do, if it is not opened often, so that there are no sudden temperature changes.
 3. The warm phase. Seedlings should spend three to four months in the cold. When you see the first leaf, bring them back into the room and store them at room temperature (18-22 ° C) until they are planted in the ground for a permanent place. Cover them again to maintain a constant humidity.
 The scheme of planting seedlings in a permanent place is usual, the distance between future bushes is about 50 cm for dwarf varieties and 80-100 for all others. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the prepared pit — expanded clay, brick chips, small ceramic shards, needles, and so on. To half of the earth from the pit, 200 g of simple superphosphate, potassium sulfate and dolomite flour are added, mixed and backfilled. The rest of the soil is mixed in equal parts with compost. Then the plant is placed in the pit so that the root neck is at the level of its upper edge, and covered with earth to the brim. To stimulate root growth, you can pour heteroauxin or sodium humate (respectively, two tablets or one ampoule per 10-liter bucket).
 Seedlings do not tolerate soil with high acidity. To neutralize it, use dolomite or bone meal, wood ash.
The main enemy of peonies is rot, so seedlings need to be sprayed regularly, at least once every 2-3 weeks, from a spray gun with a solution of liquid against rot.
 Also useful during the summer is fertilizing with a solution of cow manure or complex fertilizers. But according to the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. An excess of fertilizers is even worse than their lack. The optimal interval is once every 7-10 days. Watering is no less important – twice a month, but abundant. It is performed not at the root, but along the edge of the bed or the holes made between the rows of plantings. Loosening the earth at the roots promotes oxygen exchange and proper formation of the root system.
 Growing peonies from seeds is a rather laborious process. Besides, it takes a long time to wait for the results. But the bushes obtained in this way are better adapted to the weather conditions of the area and show a higher percentage of survival compared to cuttings purchased in the store. The main thing is that you will have a unique plant growing in your garden, which is not found anywhere else.

Packaging Details:
We pack your goods using bubble wrap and polyethylene to ensure safety during transportation. You
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Delivery time:
USA - 11-27 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel ;
Worldwide - 20-50 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel.
The average delivery times are shown here. However, if it is possible to ship the order to your
country faster, we will take advantage of this.
We will ship your order within 1-3 days after payment (depending on the workload
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