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Package contents:  1 pack - 100 seeds

Chrysanthemum is a long–blooming symbol of the emperors. Their noble charm was appreciated by the residents of the Far East, where these plants are found in nature. Most chrysanthemums come from Korea, China, Japan.
The technology of growing from seeds is quite an interesting process.
For sowing chrysanthemums for seedlings, you can use wide and shallow common containers, for example, wooden or plastic boxes. If you do not want to waste your time on picking, then you can immediately sow seeds in individual volumetric containers, for example, in plastic cups, peat, cassettes, peat tablets. The volume of individual containers is 250-300 ml. It is recommended to disinfect containers before use. Important! The culture cannot withstand the stagnation of moisture, so there must be drainage holes in the tanks.
Before planting, the seeds should be disinfected. You can do this with chlorhexidine (just immerse the seeds in a cloth bag for half an hour in the solution, and then rinse).
Chrysanthemum seedlings, like an adult plant, like loose, light and fertile land. If it is more convenient for you to use ready-made soil, then you can buy a universal primer for flower seedlings. And you can make the soil with your own hands at home. To do this, mix the following ingredients in equal proportions:
-land from the garden;
- humus.
Be sure to prepare the soil before sowing. First of all, it is necessary to disinfect the earth in order to destroy the pathogens of diseases. Bake in the oven (30 minutes at 90 degrees) or hold over steam (1 hour), and then pour a decontamination solution.
In order for the soil for growing chrysanthemum seedlings to have a good structure, it is necessary to sift it through a sieve.
Scheme of sowing chrysanthemums for seedlings at home in a common box:
-Put a drainage layer (no more than 1 cm) on the bottom of the container, for example, sand, expanded clay of small size.
-Fill the container with 2/3 of the soil, moisten with warm water.
-Pour a thin layer of sand on top, moisten the sand from the spray gun again.
-Make a uniform sowing, the seeds should not be located too close to each other (the optimal distance is 3 centimeters from each other).
-It is not necessary to cover the seeds from above, they germinate in the light. Just gently press them with the palm of your hand into the ground!
-Spray from a spray bottle and put in a warm place with a temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius.
Pay attention! The technology of sowing in individual cups is the same, only 2-3 seeds should be sown in one container. And when the seedlings grow up, you need to choose the strongest, strongest specimen and leave it, and carefully pinch off the rest with scissors.
You can plant chrysanthemum seeds and peat tablets. To do this, they need to be prepared beforehand — leave them in a tray with warm water for half an hour. When they swell, sow 2-3 seeds in the middle of the tablet. And then also cover with a film or lid, put in a warm place.
In order to get fast and friendly shoots, strong and strong seedlings, the plant should be provided with comprehensive care, which includes regular watering, maintaining an optimal humidity level, lighting, temperature regime.
After planting, you need to immediately create a mini-greenhouse. To do this, be sure to cover the container with a lid, glass or film. Before the emergence of seedlings, ventilate for 20 minutes daily, opening the covering material slightly, and also wipe the condensate from it.
The soil before and after the emergence of seedlings should be moderately moist, but it should not be flooded. Before the emergence of seedlings, it should be watered only from a spray bottle! And then you can use a syringe, a syringe.
Important! Water for irrigation at any stage of cultivation should be used clean, well-maintained, and should also have room temperature!
After germination, you need to transfer the plants to a sunny windowsill. In the morning and evening, seedlings should be illuminated, since the optimal length of daylight is 12-14 hours.
Also, after germination, you need to gradually remove the film or cover. On the first day, ventilate for an hour several times, on the second and third days gradually increase the ventilation time, and then permanently remove the covering material.
After the emergence of seedlings, the temperature drops to +16-18 ° C. With proper and full-fledged care, seedlings will appear in about 10-12 days.
It is best to plant plants in the open ground on a cloudy day or in the evening when the sun's rays are inactive.
2 hours before the transplant, water the seedlings. Dig a trench with a depth of 40-45 centimeters or holes (with an interval of 30-40 centimeters). Put some sand on the bottom, which will play the role of drainage. Water the trench or pits. Plant seedlings by transshipment method (without destroying the earthen coma). The distance between the plants is 30-40 centimeters. You need to plant seedlings a little deeper than they grew before. After transplanting, the plants are watered. After the water is absorbed, it is recommended to pour again with a solution of the drug that stimulates root growth.
Chrysanthemums are beautiful and very diverse colors. These flowers tempt many, because they bloom at a time when most plants have already faded. They will become interesting bright accents in your garden. Thanks to the variety and expressiveness of chrysanthemums, they will change the look of the garden, causing the admiration of others.

Packaging Details:
We pack your goods using bubble wrap and polyethylene to ensure safety during transportation. You
can be sure that you will receive your order without damage and in full working condition! All products are signed and have a packing date.
Delivery time:
USA - 11-27 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel ;
Worldwide - 20-50 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel.
The average delivery times are shown here. However, if it is possible to ship the order to your
country faster, we will take advantage of this.
We will ship your order within 1-3 days after payment (depending on the workload
of the transport company). The order will be shipped by international standard airmail with a tracking number that will be available to all countries.
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