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Package contents:  1 pack - 100 seeds

A native of South America – the beautiful fuchsia, enjoys well-deserved popularity all over the world. Therefore, the issue of seed reproduction of a flower is of interest to many, especially since even a novice florist can grow it on his own.
 The process of growing fuchsia from seeds includes several stages, each of which requires the grower to comply with a number of important recommendations.
 An important stage in the cultivation of fuchsia from seeds is the preparation of a nutritious soil mixture. You can buy it in the store ready-made or cook it yourself. To do this, take 3 parts of turf, mix it with two parts of peat and one part of sand, then calcine in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 20 minutes or pour boiling water. This allows you to rid the earth of pathogenic microflora and prevents the risk of fungal infections. Then the substrate is allowed to cool down, after which it is scattered over low and sufficiently wide containers with a drained bottom. Previously, 2-3 cm of expanded clay or river pebbles are placed on the bottom of the containers, thus forming a drainage layer.
 After the substrate is prepared, you can start sowing seeds. To do this, the seeds are mixed with dry sand and scattered over the surface of the soil mixture. Then the planting is irrigated from a spray bottle, covered with plastic wrap or glass and placed in a bright place. Daily planting is ventilated for 15 minutes and, if necessary, moistened. The germination of fuchsia seeds occurs quite quickly, and after 3 weeks the first sprouts appear.
 Good results are obtained by planting seeds in peat tablets previously soaked in warm water. After they swell well, they are laid out in prepared containers and placed in each of them one seed. Egg cells can be used as a container. Containers with tablets are also covered with a film, periodically ventilated and moistened. A sprouted seedling fills the entire tablet with its roots in a month, after which it must be transplanted.
 In order for fuchsia seeds to germinate quickly and amicably, it is necessary to create a number of conditions for them. So, the air temperature in the room where there are boxes with seedlings should be from 18 to 25 degrees. At the same time, the soil should be in a moist state, but stagnation of the liquid is unacceptable. If water accumulates in the seed germination zone, the substrate will become moldy, and the seed will rot before it has time to germinate.
 In order not to saturate the soil with moisture, watering is performed by spraying from a spray gun or by installing containers in a pallet with water. At the same time, the earth absorbs only the necessary amount of moisture for seed germination. If everything is done correctly, the shoots will appear in 20-30 days.
 After the appearance of sprouts, the time of ventilation of planting is gradually increased, and soon the greenhouse is completely dismantled.
 After 2 full–fledged leaves appear on young fuchsias, the sprouts are planted in separate containers - they dive. Plastic cups with a volume of 200 ml with a hole in the bottom are used as containers. A nutrient substrate is poured into them, not forgetting to put a little expanded clay on the bottom, after which the sprouts are planted, trying to preserve the earthen lump as much as possible. Previously, the soil of the common container in which the seedlings grew is moistened. The procedure is performed on the growing moon.
 After picking, fuchsia is periodically sprayed from a spray gun and fed twice a month with mineral fertilizers. If the seedling grows strongly, it must be pinched, cutting off the top and forming a lush and beautiful flower.
After the cup becomes small, the plant is transplanted into a more spacious pot, without burying the root neck.
 In order to grow a thick and healthy flower from a young sprout, it must be properly cared for.
 So, immediately after planting, the young shoots are removed for a couple of days in a shaded place, allowing the flower to adapt better in a new pot.
 Watering of plants is carried out with settled water at room temperature, preventing the drying of the top layer of soil and the formation of a dense crust.
 As a top dressing, any mineral preparations for flowering plants are used or the flower is fertilized with folk remedies. The use of banana peel infusion gives good results. To prepare the composition, 3 skins are poured with two liters of water and infused for 5 days. Then the resulting infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and watered with fuchsia. You can also use an infusion of wood ash, for the preparation of which 2 tablespoons of ash are poured with a liter of water and left for a couple of days, as well as a tincture of a handful of onion husks and three liters of water infused for two days. Some growers advise occasionally watering fuchsia with aquarium water, and this can only be done on moist soil.
 If you do everything according to the rules and do not neglect the advice of specialists, then the fuchsia grown from seeds will begin to bloom in the second year of life and will delight the owners with bright colors and gorgeous greenery.

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Delivery time:
USA - 11-27 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel ;
Worldwide - 20-50 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel.
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We will ship your order within 1-3 days after payment (depending on the workload
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