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Package contents:  1 pack - 100 seeds.

Unusual plants with bright, often fragrant flowers on shoots climbing along the fence and gazebo are clematis. For the combination of bright greenery and beautiful flowers, they are loved by the owners of gardens and homesteads. 
 Growing clematis from seeds is not easy and not fast. After all, the planting material needs to be prepared, sown and wait for germination. But if you follow all the nuances and rules, you will get a beautiful vine for your site. 
 1. Stratification is a mandatory step. The result of this procedure will be an increase in the germination of the seed material and the formation of resistance to pathogenic microorganisms for it. The seeds must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks, a maximum of 3. Such conditions will be as close as possible to those in which the seeds are when they independently enter the soil.
 2. Bubbling also allows you to increase the germination of the seed material, respectively, increases the chances of success. For bubbling, it is necessary to prepare a 0.5-liter jar and fill it with a solution of baking soda (1 tsp soda per 250 ml of water). The seeds are immersed in a jar and we have the most ordinary aquarium compressor. With the compressor turned on, the seeds should spend at least 6 hours. Every 6-7 hours we change the water in the jar and continue bubbling in this mode for 4 days.
 Next, we prepare the soil. It should consist of the following components:
 -high-quality humus;
 -fine, preferably river sand;
 - earth;
 - wood ash.
 Sowing should preferably be carried out in a steamed mixture, which will guarantee the absence of pathogens and other pathogens.
 The seeds are deepened into the soil mixture to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. To speed up the process of emergence, you can pour a little sand on top of the seeds. This trick is used by many specialists. It is not necessary to seal the ground, because this will complicate the admission of air to the seed material, and it may disappear without showing itself in all its glory.
 From the moment the seeds are planted in the ground to their germination, it can take from 21 days to 3 months. In some cases, it takes up to six months to wait for seedlings. There is no way to allow stagnation of water in a container with future clematis. The soil should be moist, but in no case wet. In this case, the seeds will not come up, the cultivation will not be successful, and your efforts will be wasted.
 When the seedlings have acquired two real leaves, it is necessary to carry out a pick. A distance of up to 20 cm should be left between the seedlings, but not less than 15 cm. Such plants can be planted on the street for a permanent place.
 Here you need to focus on the weather conditions of your region. Cool and humid weather is not suitable for planting clematis outside. In this case, it is better to overexpose the seedlings in the greenhouse. At the same time, the sprouts need moderate watering, protection from drafts and direct sun. As soon as the weather outside normalizes, the soil warms up enough, and the night temperature becomes relatively high, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place.
 The choice of a place for planting seedlings is important. If mistakes are made, the plant will not be able to develop normally and will die sooner or later, without pleasing with a beautiful flowering. It is preferable to plant clematis in places that meet a number of requirements:
-deep ground water, otherwise you will have to organize high-quality drainage, and it is better to abandon this place and think about another arrangement of garden culture;
 -although clematis is a light-loving plant, but its roots should be in the shade;
 -drafts are one of the main enemies of an elegant vine, so you need to plant sprouts in a quiet place protected from the winds;
 -the support for the plant needs to be thought out in advance: whether it will be natural (trees, bushes) or artificial (fence, arch).
 If you follow all the tips on cultivation and care, you can get a beautiful decoration of your garden in the form of this plant. In a short time, clematis vines cover the walls and fences with a lush flowering cover. An ordinary mesh fence will turn into a hedge with bright colors. A plot entwined with a beautifully climbing plant will transform and surprise you and others during the flowering period. A porch or window decorated with clematis will turn your house into an extension of the garden.

Packaging Details:
We pack your goods using bubble wrap and polyethylene to ensure safety during transportation. You
can be sure that you will receive your order without damage and in full working condition! All products are signed and have a packing date.
Delivery time:
USA - 11-27 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel ;
Worldwide - 20-50 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel.
The average delivery times are shown here. However, if it is possible to ship the order to your
country faster, we will take advantage of this.
We will ship your order within 1-3 days after payment (depending on the workload
of the transport company). The order will be shipped by international standard airmail with a tracking number that will be available to all countries.
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