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Package contents:  1 pack - 20 / 40 PCS seeds.

Coreopsis is a very cheerful, sunny and beautiful flower, refers to self-seeding plants. The standard height of the plant is in the range from 40 to 120 centimeters. At the same time, coreopsis grows in the form of dense bushes, it also has fruits. It is very easy to grow it in the garden, because it is resistant to cold and heat. Loves the sun, prefers light, loose, nutritious sandy soils, does not tolerate waterlogging. The culture can be propagated by sowing immediately in the open ground, or it can be sown first on seedlings.
 It is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings 1.5-2 months before planting in the open ground. Coreopsis seeds have good germination, so they do not need to be processed before sowing:
1.It is necessary to prepare a container, it is convenient to sow in a common container: a plastic box, a container. The height is about 6-8 cm . At the bottom you need to make holes to remove excess moisture after watering.
 2. Prepare suitable soil. As for almost any other seedlings, loose, light, nutritious soil is better suited. The soil can be prepared with your own hands: turf, peat, compost or humus, sand (in a ratio of 2:2:1:1). Or you can just buy a universal soil for seedlings (only it's useful to add 1 part of sand to 3 parts of the earth).
 3.In order to avoid waterlogging and stagnation of moisture during the growing process, it is recommended to put drainage on the bottom, a layer of 1.5-2 cm will be enough.
 4.Fill the container with earth, moisten it abundantly with warm water from the spray gun, wait a little so that all the moisture is absorbed.
 5. Now you need to plant coreopsis seeds. They need to be planted at a distance of 2 cm from each other. You can simply transfer them with your fingers, but it is more convenient to plant them with a toothpick. The seeds are covered with earth with a layer of 1 centimeter.
 6.Cover the container with any suitable covering material: lid, plastic film. Shelter is necessary to create a mini-greenhouse.
The first step of proper seedling cultivation is to provide coreopsis seeds with all the necessary and optimal conditions for germination. The most important thing is to maintain high humidity and a suitable temperature (this is what a mini—greenhouse is for).
 -The container with the sown seeds is moved to a warm and bright place where the temperature is maintained at 20-22 degrees Celsius.
 -An important procedure at this stage is the daily ventilation of the greenhouse, the lid should be removed for 30 minutes, and then after wiping the condensate drops from it, put it back.
 -It is important to control soil moisture. When the surface of the earth dries, it is necessary to moisten it with a spray gun.
Under normal conditions, seedlings will appear in about 1.5-2 weeks.
 After germination of seeds , the care of coreopsis seedlings is based on the following procedures:
 -When mass shoots appear, it is necessary to remove the covering material. It is important to do this gradually in order to prevent severe stress in plants due to a sharp change in conditions: on the first day, the lid is removed in the morning and evening for 2-3 hours, on the second day for the whole day, and on the third - completely.
The optimal temperature regime is 18-20 degrees Celsius.
 -Coreopsis seedlings should be grown in the sunniest place or regularly use phytolamps. The optimal duration of daylight is at least 10-12 hours a day.
 -Watering should be done regularly, but carefully, because excess and lack of moisture is detrimental to plants. Perform this care procedure after the drying of the upper layer of the earth, not earlier. The quality of the water is also important: you can not pour in water that has just been poured from the tap, it must stand for at least 1 day, and it must also have room temperature. 
 -It is useful to periodically loosen the surface of the earth. The procedure will prevent the formation of an earth crust that prevents normal aeration of the soil. Loosen should be 2-3 hours after watering, no deeper than 5-10 millimeters.
 -For prevention, it is recommended to sprinkle the ground surface with sand (1-2 mm), so the root zone will dry out faster.
 Before planting in the open ground, it is advisable to harden the plants, gradually accustoming them to new outdoor conditions. First of all, when landing, it is important to choose the right place. Coreopsis prefer sunny and well-lit, but at the same time protected from wind and drafts areas. In addition, when planting in the open ground, you should pay attention to the composition of the soil. In this respect, coreopsis is not too demanding. He prefers light and loose soils. The ground must be loosened in advance, as well as a drainage system. The amount of nutrients and minerals in the soil should be moderate, with an excess, there may be an intensive build-up of green mass, which can negatively affect the overall condition of the plant. It should also be borne in mind that coreopsis does not tolerate acidic soils. Plants are planted in wells at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other by transshipment method. After planting, water abundantly and mulch the soil around so that it dries out more slowly.
 If you follow all the tips on growing coreopsis, then the plant, like the sun in the garden, will delight you with its flowering for a long time.

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