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Package contents:  1 pack - 200 seeds.

Violet is a perennial garden plant. The height of a compact violet bush is about 10-25 centimeters, flowers in diameter reach up to 8 cm, their maximum number on one plant reaches up to 100 flowers. The plant blooms 9 months a year. The rhizome is branchy and creeping, so the plant tends to actively grow, the stems form dense pillows, forming a dense colorful carpet. The violet is able to show maximum decorative effect with the right place for cultivation: it should be a little in the shade, well ventilated. Prefers slightly acidic soil. It does not tolerate drought and excess water in the soil.
 There is absolutely nothing complicated in the correct planting of violets on seedlings. The main thing is to stock up on suitable inventory and adhere to the optimal scheme. 
And the following guide will help you with this:
1.For sowing, you can take one box (the width depends on the number of seeds, and the height is about 7-10 cm) or several different cups (plastic cups or cassettes, suitable size 150-200 ml). The containers must be clean.
 2. If there are no holes at the bottom of the container to drain excess water, be sure to carefully make holes. And in order to further protect future seedlings from fungal diseases, it is useful to put a two-centimeter layer of perlite on the bottom of the container.
 3. Now you need to prepare a soil mixture (loose, fertile). It can be planted in a standard soil for flower seedlings; or in the ground for indoor violets; or you can mix the soil at home: garden soil, sand, humus (optimal ratio 3:1:1).
 4. Prepare the seeds before planting. It is useful to process them before sowing, a good way is to soak them in a growth stimulant, you need to prepare them strictly according to the instructions.
 5.Fill the containers with earth, level the surface, moisten abundantly from the sprayer. Let the moisture soak in a little.
 6. Now it is necessary to sow violet seeds:
-if you use a common box, then you need to make furrows 3 millimeters deep, with an interval of 3 cm. Plant the seeds in the groove at a distance of 2 cm from each other
-if you decide to plant in cups or plastic cassettes, then in each container you need to make a hole in the center (3 mm deep), put the seed there.
 7. After you have immersed the seeds in the grooves or holes, you need to fill them with a thin layer of earth (thickness no more than 3 mm).
 8. Liberally moisten the soil from the sprayer and cover the container with a film or lid.
 Immediately after planting, it is necessary to keep the sown seeds in greenhouse conditions until friendly shoots, that is, under a lid (or a film, or under another material convenient for you). The container or cups should be kept at an air temperature in the region of 18-20 degrees. Do not allow the earth to dry out, check the condition of the soil daily, if necessary, irrigate with a spray gun.
 In favorable conditions, seedlings will appear in about 1-2 weeks.
 After friendly shoots, the concept of care changes:
1. In order for the shoots to continue to develop further, it is necessary to remove the shelter.
 2. Violet seedlings need high-quality lighting for 12-16 hours a day.
 3. In order for the seedlings not to stretch out and be able to build a strong root system, it is important to lower the temperature to +12-15 ° C for one week immediately after germination, then increase it to 15-18 degrees.
 4. Water the seedlings of viola at home regularly, preventing the drying of the lump of earth. The main indicator by which you need to navigate, choosing the frequency of watering, is the drying of the upper layer of the earth (the first 1.5 cm). Water should not get on the stem or leaves of plants.
 5. After 2 real leaves grow on the seedlings, it is necessary to dive the plants into separate larger containers (250-300 ml pots are suitable). Before the procedure, you need to water the ground abundantly. From the common box, you need to carefully take out the plant along with the earth on the roots and transplant it into an earthen hole; too long roots need to be pinched. From individual cups it is necessary to "transfer" seedlings without destroying a clod of earth.
 When the diameter of the violet outlet is twice as large as the pot, it is at this moment that the plant can be transplanted into the open ground. Important! Even if the plant looks strong and ready in your opinion for any changes, an untimely transplant can greatly slow down the growth of the flower and cause its death. The soil in the selected area should be slightly acidic, loose, breathable. It is necessary to plant plants at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other in partial shade.
 By the way! Violets can reproduce independently through self-seeding. If you want to prevent self-reproduction, then it is necessary to cut off the withered flowers before the seeds ripen and, accordingly, they fall to the ground.
 With strict adherence to the recommendations, growing violets from seeds will not cause much trouble. In natural conditions, they live in harsher conditions. Pay them a little attention and they will thank you with a beautiful bloom. Violet flower beds will become a real decoration of your garden.

Packaging Details:
We pack your goods using bubble wrap and polyethylene to ensure safety during transportation. You
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Delivery time:
USA - 11-27 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel ;
Worldwide - 20-50 days with the possibility of tracking the parcel.
The average delivery times are shown here. However, if it is possible to ship the order to your
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We will ship your order within 1-3 days after payment (depending on the workload
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