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The great archangel Michael is probably the most well known of all the angels, as he appears in numerous scripture within Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. It is said that he commands the armies of God, and is responsible for vanquishing foes both in heaven and on earth. Michael is referred to directly by name first in the Book of Daniel, where it is said that he is a great prince among angels, a title that he shares only with his angelic brother Lucifer. In this scripture he comes to the archangel Gabriel's aid as he's confronted by Dobiel the angel of Persia. Throughout this same scripture, Michael is also declared as a fierce protectorate of Israel, and that he serves Daniel's people. Outside of the Book of Daniel, Michael is also directly referenced by name in the Book of Jude, as well as in the Book of Revelation. In the later book, it is foretold that Michael will battle the Antichrist, an indirect reference to his coming final battle with Lucifer or Satan.

According to Judeo Christian teachings, the great archangel Michael is thought to have been referenced indirectly as far back as the book of Genesis. It it taught that it was Michael who stood guard at the gate of Eden, making sure that the tree of life was kept safe. It is also taught that Michael was the angel who facilitated the publishing of the Decalogue for the Jewish people, who blocked the way forward for Balaam, and who vanquished the army of Sennacherib. Christian scripture also refers to Michael directly by name, such as in the Book of Jude, it states that Michael has a confrontation with Satan over the body of Moses. Michael is also mentioned in the Book of Revelation, where it states that there was a great war in heaven, and that the archangel Michael with a legion of his followers fought the great dragon. This is a reference to Michael defeating his brother Lucifer, and then casting him and his followers out of heaven for all of time. 

Michael is an exceptionally strong angel who protects and defends people who love God. He is powerfully concerned about truth and justice. Believers say that Michael communicates boldly with people when he helps and guides them. Michael is concerned chiefly with protection, truth, integrity, courage, and strength. If you are having difficulty in any of these areas, Michael is the angel to summon.


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